June 21, 2020 New Moon Message

June 21, 2020 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering   Greetings Dear Ones, We are indeed happy that you are consciously choosing to connect with us. Very few on earth know of us or believe in us and this indeed is a sad state of affairs, for they keep themselves locked in the misery that abounds on earth. However, be of good cheer, for those of you who are consciously awakening, just your presence alone on earth, does have a positive aspect for…


June 20, 2020 Solstice Message from the Masters

Message from the Masters Solstice Celestial Gathering June 20, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to the beginning of another season, as the cycle of the sun affects your beautiful planet. There is much to be thankful for. We express our gratitude for those of you who are reaching beyond duality and inviting us to consciously be a part of your journey. We invite you to begin this season by going within and taking stock of your life. Look at they way you do things and…


Judgment Day

There is no Judgment Day in which God will choose some to go to heaven and others to be banished to hell. Hell is your daily experience of the results of your fear, false beliefs and non-beneficial actions. None will be lost; all will return to Source. You are an Ambassador, an aspect of your Higher Self. Can you imagine a Creator who purposely creates a magnificent Being like you, just to destroy it? Face your fears and go within to discover old beliefs that…



Oneness Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering May 23, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are well pleased that so many are now “coming to the Light” and taking charge of your lives. We do all we can to assist you but it is important to note that we do have our limits. When it comes to your sovereign rights over your energy field, you have only the limits of the laws governing life on Gaia. Thus, there is much you can do by…



GO WITH THE FLOW Greetings Dear Ones, We are filled with joy whenever you seek our assistance and wish to communicate with us. As you know, the majority of people on earth are not consciously aware of what we can offer to them. So, it is indeed a blessing to us to assist those of you who wish to be in communion with us. As you know, things are a bit unsettled on earth, even more than the usual chaos. However, you do not need…

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Heart Connection

To make a Heart Connection, focus your attention on the person you wish to connect with. If appropriate, look into their eyes. Consciously send them a wave of love and appreciation. No words need to be spoken. Even if the other has no idea what you are doing, there will still be an energy exchange that will be felt by both of you. If the receiver is open, he/she will feel a sense of calm and will be more relaxed in your presence. You may…

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Unity Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering April 7, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are honored to work beside you once again. This gathering falls on the anniversary date of our initial Celestial Gathering which took place on April 7, 2016. Several of you have been with us this since the beginning and we are ever grateful for your dedication in uplifting yourself as well as all of mankind, Gaia and her inhabitants… both those in the seen and the unseen realms… for…


032420 Message from the Masters

032420 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering March 25, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We again thank you for this opportunity to communicate and to share our energies in a way that uplifts All on planet Earth and beyond. Many of you are feeling the effects of the coronavirus that has spread across the globe. Although this has caused some discomfort and fear, know that it is temporary and as a result, a great purging is in effect. We are excited to see so…


Message from the Masters: March 19, 2020

Message from the Masters Equinox Celestial Gathering March 19, 2020   Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to a new season, as time is marked on your calendar. Many of you have already been visualizing the year 2020 as one of perfect sight and spiritual awakening. And so it is. Look around at recent changes and upheavals and you will see that there is not one of you who will not be affected by the current exchange of bodily fluids. Yes, one little microbe has brought the…


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