What is the SoulCleanse?
The SoulCleanse is a powerful method of releasing non-beneficial energies and entities. Those who continue with the process are helped to break ancestral curses, work through unforgiveness and release unhealthy soul ties.
These are major areas that create energy blockages and also create vulnerability for demonic oppression. Other “doors” of entry are also addressed, including help with unresolved trauma and the client’s specific concerns.
Each client is offered probable emotional roots causes for any physical dis-ease they are suffering, which helps with the healing process. Knowledge is power.
Earthbounds (deceased humans) who have been haunting a home or harassing the individual are released, which usually stops any paranormal activities.
The SoulCleanse will clear out a number of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages. However, “inner work” is needed to break free from any fears, limiting beliefs and non-beneficial habits and behaviors.
Several tools are offered on this website and my YouTube channel to help with these goals. youtube.com/c/TheresaCrabtree88
The most important benefit is when the person finds it easier to connect with the Creator and able to pray without demonic hindrance.
For more information, visit the SoulCleanse FAQ page.
To get started, fill out the contact form.
The SoulCleanse is performed remotely.
All correspondence is through email.
Ready to begin?
Fill out the contact form and let’s get started!

Theresa Crabtree,
Creator of the SoulCleanse®
How much does the SoulCleanse cost?
I am honored to assist those who
take their spiritual awakening seriously.
The SoulCleanse is offered on a donation basis.
Pay for the service after the work is complete.
You choose the amount!
Once you sign up on the contact form, I will send you a questionnaire.
After I receive your response, I am usually able to do the initial SoulCleanse within 72 hours.
Then I will email you a detailed report and offer several tools to help continue your healing process.
In most cases, several daily follow up cleanses are performed to help with deep cleansing.
All communication is through emails.
Make your donation AFTER
your SoulCleanse is completed!
Please note that you have to change the “1”
under “Quantity” to match your donation amount.
What to Expect After the SoulCleanse
Everyone experiences the SoulCleanse differently, which is to be expected since each person is unique and complex.
Many experience mild physical detox symptoms which subsides quickly.
Most clients report a huge release of stuck emotions. This results in a feeling of inner peace and mental clarity, making it easier to make decisions.
Some share that it feels like scales have fallen from their eyes, being able to see truth that had been hidden before.
Blocks begin to dissolve resulting in getting a desired job, changes in relationships, home finally sells, hearing from estranged loved ones, even getting pregnant!
It is a great joy to watch people break free from addictions and obsessions that have plagued them for years.
Areas Addressed by the SoulCleanse®
Clear Haunted Houses and Work Places
Explore Areas of Vulnerability
Release Earthbound Beings
Break Unhealthy Soul Ties
Help with Forgiveness
Balance Energy Field
Emotional Release
Physical Detox
Break Addiction Cycle
Breaking Ancestral Curses
Education to Enhance Life
Explore Areas of Vulnerability
Physical, Emotional, Mental Cleanse
Dispel Black Magic, Spells, Curses, Vows
Ways the SoulCleanse® can help you!

The SoulCleanse effectively removes negative energies and earthbound entities
from your home and workplace.
All work is performed remotely.

The SoulCleanse helps remove stuck energies
that create addictive behaviors,
anxiety and depression.

The SoulCleanse can help clear ancestral curses
and “bad vibes” from the entire family.

The SoulCleanse assists the physical and emotional needs of your beloved pets!

The SoulCleanse can help everyone
on your medical team.

The SoulCleanse can help cleanse everyone,
including the judge, lawyer, jury and witnesses.
Signs of Entity Interference
Interference from interdimensional spirits is much more prevalent than most believe.
Blockages from unresolved trauma
and “stinking thinking”
can cause similar symptoms.
Both are remedied during the SoulCleanse.
Two or more of the following symptoms
may indicate demonic oppression.
The symptoms may happen suddenly or have been in place throughout one’s life.
Panic Attacks
Bipolar Disorder
Memory Problems
Paranormal Activity
Suicidal Thoughts
Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Uncontrolled Profanity
Sudden Personality Change
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Unexplainable Physical Ailments
Impulsive / Compulsive Behaviors
Objects Moving by Themselves
Changes in Food Preference
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Hearing Inner Voices
Suicidal Thoughts
Anxiety Suicidal
Abusive Implants
Aggression Narcissism
Depression Mood Swings
Pornography Self Mutilation
Poor Concentration Irrational Behavior
Feeling Disconnected Mental Health Issues
SoulCleanse® Testimonials