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Contact Theresa today!
Addictions – Demonic Interference – Spiritual Growth – Depression – Anxiety – Relationships
“I cannot say enough kind words about Theresa. She is love, hope, faith, kindness and compassion incarnate. My gratitude and love for her is boundless. After my work with her, I noticed a marked improvement in my mental and spiritual clarity. Also, I feel more receptive to the Divine assistance that is all around and within me. Furthermore, she has helped open my heart to feel, my eyes to see, and my soul to receive the light and beauty that has always been there. I feel blessed to know her, and I know you will feel the same. This world needs more people like her.”
~ Wendy, USA
LB in HI
“Aloha! After just the two sessions, I feel many positive effects . First, I felt the presence of the team working on me. Then I felt a strong sense of well being. Energetically, I feel much lighter as though many dense energies were cleared. Now I am much more conscious of my negative thinking patterns. Therefore, I am better at stopping myself from feeding the unhealthy habits and cords. Thank you for equipping me with more tools. Most of all, the gift of healing. It has given me renewed strength and hope.”
L.B., Hawaii
AS Florida
“Thank you for your SoulCleanse report. This gives me a clear idea of the work involved. And it also adds insight into some unknown factors. My spirit message resonated with me. It is exactly what is required for me in this moment in my life. As a result, my heart opened up tremendously and my crown connected to source. The physical pain felt in my left ovary and my arm no longer exists! No one else has previously been able to assist me in healing these areas.”
A.S., Florida
R.K., Florida
“AWESOME! You are amazing, Theresa. I knew something was going on last night…. feel like I’ve been doing a lot more work than usual in my sleep. Definitely will be following your suggestions. Feel very relieved!”
R.K., Florida
SS in VT
“Energetically I have felt your encouragement, healing support and your loving kindness. Also, I feel an expansion of my highest and best good. As a result, you have inspired me. Now I can easier follow my truth, honor my truth and walk in my truth.
Much Appreciation!”
S.S., Vermont
CP in England
“Thank you for carrying out The SoulCleanse. Amazing! You and your wonderful team have put in a great deal of effort. Your careful and detailed work is evident and will surely pay dividends for me.”
C.P., England
TL in Czech
I am happy to report the creepy man’s energy is. So that is really wonderful since I will be working with him. As per me, I am feeling much more optimistic and am working on changing my focus to positive aspects/thoughts as much as possible until it becomes a habit. Thank you for all your help.”
T.L., Czech Republic
TH in UK
“I felt a huge shift in my thinking and a lightness about myself. And I stopped drinking with ease. I feel at peace with the surrendering to God with my dis-ease, something I was so resistant to before.”
T.H., United Kingdom