Join us remotely from the
comfort of your home!
Register on
the Events page!
Join us freely or for a suggested donation:
$5-20 USD
Every New Moon, Full Moon,
Equinox and Solstice.

You do not have to “tune in” to receive the personal cleansing!
What is the Celestial Gathering?
The Celestial Gathering is a remote personal healing experience similar to the SoulCleanse.
Like the SoulCleanse, you do not need to mentally “tune in” during the event.
The main difference is that there will be no personal feedback on what is observed during the session.
Instead, all who register to participate will receive a generalized inspirational message.
Before the event, each participant is encouraged to send an email
regarding specific issues they are facing.
During the day of the event, everyone is encouraged to send
prayers of love and peace into the hearts and minds of all humans.
This is best done during the time of the event for increased benefit.
For wherever two or more are focused, power is exponentially added to the prayer.
The Celestial Gathering is an easy, yet powerful way to be of service to others!
Consider joining us today!
Register on the Events page!
During the first half of the Celestial Gathering,
prayers are offered for healing of the body, soul and mind.
You may experience the following blessings:
Inner Peace
Mental Clarity
Decreased Pain
Energetic Rebalance
Physical Detoxification
Easier to Make Decisions
Solutions to Current Problems
Release of Unhealthy Relationships
Faster Healing of Some Physical Dis-ease
During the second half of the Celestial Gathering,
prayers that peace and love are instilled in the hearts of all humans are offered.
In addition, the SoulCleanse team, under the direction of Jesus Christ,
will shower you with their love, gratitude and healing energies.
Each participant with receive an uplifting message after the Celestial Gathering.
“Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask,
it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together
in My name, I am there in the midst of them. ~ Matthew 18: 19-20
If you are wanting a deeper, personalized experience,
sign up for a SoulCleanse® today!