Random Acts of Kindness

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS Kindness and mercy are two great gifts you can give to yourself and others. In so doing, all other gifts are naturally bestowed. Without kindness, there can be no compassion, without compassion, there can be no mercy and without mercy, there can be no true love. Kindness comes from the heart, when you give to others without expecting anything in return. Kindness is the act of looking at the needs of others and filling those needs in ways that empower the…


Making Changes

MAKING CHANGES Within you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All it takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something ready to be transformed. First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you deeply breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are…


Joy Meditation

JOY MEDITATION Are you ready to embark on a journey towards everlasting joy? Take several long breaths. As you exhale, let out the worries of the day. Consciously pay attention to each muscle in your body, starting at the top of your head. Note the muscles in your jaws, tighten them for a second and then allow them to relax. Move down to the shoulders, arms, fingers, etc. tightening and then relaxing each set of muscles. Then continue, moving down to your toes. Breathe in…


Stumbling Blocks

STUMBLING BLOCKS One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid stumbling over it again. You may choose to step over the rock or walk…


Creating Time and Energy

Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in…


Take Charge of Your Life

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE There are several layers of emotions that need to be peeled in order to release the patterns and behaviors associated with deep-seated hurts. The goal is to free yourself from fears, habits and beliefs that no longer serve you and keep you locked away from a life filled with joy and peace. The following are some layers to address in order to change beliefs and heal wounds from past experiences. Forgive your perpetrators. Release all judgment of people, places and…


Choose Love

CHOOSE LOVE There are many signs that allow you to know when you are on the path leading to your desires. These include a feeling of "knowing," goose bumps, when everything easily falls into place, luminosity (when things seem to glow), and extraordinary happenings, coincidences and synchronicities, to name a few. In addition, there are your thoughts, words, emotions and behaviors. Choose love in all situations. If love seems to be too far out of your reach, focus on kindness, to yourself and others. Seek…



LET GO AND BEEEEEEEE... Your future begins now, in this moment. No matter what you have experienced in the past, the Path you walk today is new. Take time to quiet your mind and relax your body. Take a few moments to breathe in and out, releasing the thoughts and cares of the day. Feel your muscles relax while focusing on your breathing. Take a moment to reflect on the circumstances of your life. Feel gratitude for each of the blessings that comes to your…


Uncovering Beliefs

UNCOVERING BELIEFS Many beliefs are set up as a form of protection or a reaction to unpleasant events. They may not be relevant to your life today. When these buttons are pushed by others, it sometimes leads to confusion. You wonder to yourself, “Why did that bother me so much?” Pay attention to these thoughts. When they arise, take time to go within and find when this feeling first started. You may need to uncover layers of beliefs and negative thinking as you go. Look…

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Moving Beyond Doubt

MOVING BEYOND DOUBT There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt? Can you recall moments when you just knew something was going to happen and it did? Have you ever been thinking about calling someone on…


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