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Never-Ending Journey


Have you discovered the bonds that material objects hold on you? Take stock of how much time, money and energy is needed to purchase, maintain and replace the physical items you have amassed. How many of these items brought you true joy? How long did that joy last before you were online shopping for something else to fulfill your desire?

Take notice of the people that you associate with. Do you bring joy to each other? When you expect something in return for your efforts, there is often dissatisfaction when your blinders are set solely on the expectation. Let go of the expectations, for you have no control over what others may do and what other circumstances will present themselves to you. When you outgrow and release incompatible people and events, you have more time and energy to commune with others who are closer to your heart.

What is your desired destination at the end of your life? How will you want others to remember you? What is your desired goal? Fame? Wealth? Godliness? What would you write on your headstone? Are you living up to this standard?

The vast majority of people are living for the moment, some just to make ends meet. Others are living for the weekend, to enjoy life’s pleasure. Those who are reading this likely feel they lean more towards spirituality than religion or materialism. This is a step in the right direction. Yet, is your focused based on man’s writings or the word of God?

Who or what takes priority in each of your days? How often do you praise and commune with the one who Created you? Do you ask your Creator for guidance on your path or do you seek psychics and books written by others to lead you? Are you stuck in the hamster wheel, in the never-ending journey of doing “right works” or “ascension work” to reach a desired destination in the after-life? If so, how is this serving you? Do the words of others and your “works” fill you with joy or do they lead you to depression or feeling unfulfilled?

Are you always seeking a new truth, buying the next book or course that soon has you again feeling empty, like something is lacking? If so, I would encourage you to buy a Bible and prayerfully ask for direction to understand what you are reading. As you read the New Testament, you will discover “the Way” that Jesus has laid out. Read with an open mind and a since heart so that the Truth can set you free from the never-ending journey in the hamster wheel.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8)


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