Welcome! I would like to say upfront that I am not a Bible scholar.

On this page you will find information from my own studies of the Bible that you may find insightful.

Before taking on any belief, research the information first.

Most importantly, go into prayer and ask the Creator to help guide you to the Truth.
For the Truth will set you free!

Be blessed always, all ways! 
Theresa Crabtree

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Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus


Part One: https://youtu.be/3e3GWWfEqUo
Part Two: https://youtu.be/uimD5qiRkWY
Part Three: https://youtu.be/nIP5PtMkw5w
Part Four: https://youtu.be/2UEyGqsf1ms

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

In this series of four videos, we review around 50 of the most notable Old Testament prophecies that foretell the coming Messiah. We will compare these to New Testament scriptures that have been fulfilled by Jesus.

Follow along with the video or explore the scriptures on your own! Click the following button to download the document:
Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus.”

Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

This document is the side by side comparison of over 350
Old and New Testament Messianic scriptures. 

Do you believe Jesus is the foretold Messiah?
Journey with me and come to your own conclusion!

I hope you find this information helpful and thought-provoking.

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