Inner Adult Healing Exercise

NEW AWAKENING TOOL! Need help breaking free from the wounds of emotional trauma? Click on the link below. Then scroll to the yellow box at the bottom and click on INNER ADULT HEALING EXERCISE. Check out the other resources while you're there! If you find it helpful, share it with others!  


Open the Door!

OPEN THE DOOR There is no grander adventure than to be fully aware of your spiritual nature while residing in human form. Each belief you change and each fear you overcome unlocks another series of doors to explore. There is no stopping your ability to change anything in your life at any time. Open each door, peak inside and enter those that interest you. If you open a door that does not interest you, simply close it and continue to the next. As you learn…


Endings are Beginnings

ENDINGS ARE BEGINNINGS When there is a completion, new doors open unto you. You are trained from youth to keep seeking new goals, to the point that the goal often becomes the reason for doing the deed while much is lost during the journey. To increase your sense of contentment, pay more attention to what is occurring in the moment. For example, while eating, do you pay any mind to the plants and animals that gave their life for you? Do you savor the flavor…


Take Out the Garbage

TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE Release the worries of the day. In your inner mind, visualize yourself at the seashore. Feel yourself laying comfortably on a blanket with the sun warm on your skin. Taste the light salty breeze. Hear the waves gently lapping on the shore with the seagulls in the distance. What problems and issues are weighing on your mind today? Bring them up, one by one and lay them onto the barge, docked at the water’s edge. Then watch as the barge leaves…


Living Free Nightly Prayer

Living Free Nightly Prayer When you consider that demons are part of the huge network of fallen angels talked about in the Bible. It is easy to see their agenda. They are rebels and whatever good works they were created to do, they now do the opposite. The whole demonic realm is highly organized in a structure that targets every country, state, county, city, neighborhood, home and individual. They have the ability to scan the human body and mind, looking for weak areas. It seems…


Embrace Diversity

EMBRACE DIVERSITY Every person is unique, coming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Your beliefs are the foundation upon which you manifest your entire reality. When your foundation is built on love, peace, joy and kindness, you will see the world from these lenses. You will expect people to respond to you in like manner. No two humans are the same; why attempt to make it so? Accept others’ individuality. Embrace and encourage them even when you do not agree. Then we will create…


Forgiveness Exercise

Forgiveness Exercise One of the biggest obstacles in life is to forgive those who have harmed us. The following is an exercise that helped me to forgive the most challenging person in my life, my mother. From her hands and mouth, I experienced years of repeated physical, mental and emotional abuse. When I was 44 years old, I came to the understanding that if I wanted to progress in life, I needed to heal my rage, bitterness and unforgiveness towards her. This was hindering every…


Sacred Space

Prayer and meditation are an important part of each day. Without connecting to the God who created you on a regular basis, it is easy to fall into the tricks of the demons. If you have room in your home, set aside a specific area that is used only or mainly for prayer. The more you use this area for prayer, the more it will become energized. Choose a place where no one will interrupt you. If you can, set aside a specific time for…


Conscious Living

CONSCIOUS LIVING Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the universe, causing waves of yumminess. On the other hand, fear-based emotions and thoughtforms stick together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this can affect your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. With sincere desire and discipline, you will be able to release these thoughtforms before they manifest physically. To dismantle a mass…


Morning Reflections

Every morning, send prayers to your Creator. Express gratitude for another day of human experience. Feel gratitude for the blessings in your life. Send heartfelt love to the Creator and others, especially those you are having difficulty with. Ask for wisdom and discernment to make choices based on Divine Love and Truth. Ask for Guidance to meet the needs of your priorities and to know which things are better left undone. Ask to be shown what things you spend your time, money and energy on…


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