Fact or Fiction?

FACT OR FICTION? When you are emotionally engaged while reading a book or watching a movie, be aware that your subconscious mind may not recognize the difference between reality and fantasy. This is especially true when one is fully involved such as playing video games or impacts oneself emotionally. If your mind is filled with images and emotions from the book or movie you are engaged in, it will log those memories as though they were real. Later, you may get upset and not know…


Ambassador of Love

AMBASSADOR OF LOVE As you step forward releasing fears, fretful thoughts and habits that have kept you enslaved, reach out to your brothers and sisters, sharing your wisdom and knowledge. There are many who feel shut down and isolated. You have the ability to be an Ambassador of Love, for you can reach people that others cannot. Be a role model to all you meet. If you wish to live in a world filled with beauty, peace and abundance, then live your life in this…


Gratitude and Forgiveness Prayer

GRATITUDE AND FORGIVENESS PRAYER Sit quietly, in nature if possible. Begin to breathe in deeply, a long, slow breath. Hold the breath a few moments, then slowly release the breath fully. Continue this for a few rounds until you feel relaxed. First, focus on the universe, expressing love and gratitude to the Creator of all. Spend several breaths building that connection. Then, visualize someone you are having difficulties with or someone you would like to have a deeper relationship with. On the inbreath, focus on…



You may have already discovered that focusing on accumulating wealth, people-pleasing and chasing after this or that has left an empty spot. When you touch the lives of others and learn to live with joy each moment, your life will have more meaning. When you build a relationship with your Creator, joy and happiness will abound. Nurture any attempts to build relationships based on unconditional love. Here are some suggestions to include. Enjoy each moment. Feel gratitude for every person, place and event that occurs…



SHARE WITHOUT EXPECTATIONS Sharing from your heart entails sharing without expectations, even though you may still hope or have faith that they will accept what you offer. Many times, people think they are sharing without expectations, yet there comes a time when they feel that the other person should be reciprocating or expressing some type of gratitude. Sharing from the heart holds no expectation of ever being appreciated or acknowledged. Practice sharing without expectation. Throughout the day, say “thank you” to others who have done…



ADDICTIONS Many have been plagued with addictions of various types since early childhood. Some have developed addictions such as alcohol, drugs and overeating as a medication to ease unresolved emotional pain. Resolve those pains, change your behaviors and your life will unfold. This may sound simplistic, but it really is all that needs to be done. Release yourself from the feelings of being a victim or punishing yourself for what others have chosen to do. Some have chosen food substances such as sugar or coffee…

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Millennial guy wearing ball and chain with word ADDICTION against grey background, vector illustration in flat style. Panorama

Love, Gratitude and Peace Meditation

LOVE, GRATITUDE AND PEACE MEDITATION Experience this simple, yet powerful meditation regularly. If possible, go into nature and take a gentle walk. Pay attention to all you see around you. Let the love of the Creator fill your Being. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out in cycles. With the first inbreath, inhale pure love from the Creator, filling every cell in your body with Divine Love. As you breathe out, send love back to God, the Creator. On the second inbreath, inhale gratitude from…

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Express Gratitude

Express gratitude each morning as you arise. Set aside a few moments to appreciate everything in your environment. Relax and release the tension in your body. Thank Creator for the universe and your opportunity to walk the Earth in physical form. Send waves of gratitude to the people who support and assist you. Acknowledge your body, paying attention to its needs. Your body is a temporary dwelling place, a temple and deserving to be treated as such. When unpleasant issues crop up, pay special attention…


Take Chances! Make Changes!

TAKE CHANCES, MAKE CHANGES! Change your thoughts by focusing on god-inspired things. Change your words by expressing only truth. You have the ability to change your attitude by focusing on gratitude. Change your actions by consciously monitoring your reactions and discipling yourself so that you “walk your talk.” Only you can make you happy and that comes when all areas of your body, soul and spirit are in alignment. Support one another and gain each other’s trust in order to live more fully in your…

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The End of Suffering

END OF SUFFERING Many wonder why God does not end the suffering on Earth. Yet the responsibility lies in the hands of each human. We were given the gift of free will that permits us to express ourselves in a manner only limited by universal laws. Thus, the suffering on Earth is a direct result of choices we make while incarnate. Review the history of humanity. The suffering we experience is due to the choices made by individuals over time. Thus, we are the ones…


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