Living Free Nightly Prayer
When you consider that demons are part of the huge network of fallen angels talked about in the Bible. It is easy to see their agenda. They are rebels and whatever good works they were created to do, they now do the opposite. The whole demonic realm is highly organized in a structure that targets every country, state, county, city, neighborhood, home and individual.
They have the ability to scan the human body and mind, looking for weak areas. It seems daunting and scary, until you realize that the only way they can interfere with you is if you invite them in or if you open a door that lets them in. However, it doesn’t take much to open a door. One moment of unbridled anger is enough to allow them access.
When you falter, close that door right away. Doors are closed when we admit what we did and strive to overcome that weakness so it doesn’t happen again. The demons will still try to pull you off the Path. However, when you are determined and diligent about living a life closely aligned to Divine Love, it is much easier to say “no” to their temptations and to tune out the thoughts they project into your mind.
Jesus shows us “the way, and the truth and the life” in the New Testament. There are also plenty of examples, such as the “Ten Commandments” in the Old Testament. I encourage you to study the Bible and other ancient scriptures with fresh eyes, questioning any doctrines you may have taken on with blind faith.
There is a Bible verse that reminds us of a great gift from God. We only have to allow ourselves to receive it.
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Below is a powerful prayer that can help you to keep your body and soul (mind, emotions, will) free from demonic harassment. Do this every night before bedtime.
Imagine you are in the presence of the Creator. Review the activities of the day. Admit where you fell short and be truly remorseful, with the intention of doing your best not to do it again. Admit even the things that seem trivial. It’s better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want to have any doors open that allow demons to set up residence in your body or soul.
Pray from the heart with truth and humility. This prayer follows the basic outline that Jesus gave us in Matthew 6:9-13, commonly called “The Lord’s Prayer.” Reword it however you wish, reflecting what is in your heart.
“Dear God, Creator of all of heaven and earth. Holy is your name. It is my desire to be your ambassador of Divine Love, living my life in a way that brings more of heaven onto earth. I am grateful for all the blessings I received today. (You can name some, if you choose.)
I admit that today I (state what you did that you’re not happy about). I accept your promise that you will forgive my faults, as long as I forgive others who have harmed me in any way. (If you have unforgiveness towards anyone, admit it and forgive them or state that you choose to forgive them.)
Help me to recognize the temptations of others so that I do not fall into immorality. I receive your blessing to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
I do not give consent for any demons to have access to my body, mind, emotions, my home or to affect my will. If any gained access this day, I command now that they leave me and my home now, never to return again.
Thank you, God, for the privilege of my being in embodiment at this time. I offer myself in service to you and others. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
You can download this prayer and other awakening tools at the bottom of my website.