Sex from a Biblical Perspective: Video and Bible List of Verses

The Bible is an historical document filled with mystery, intrigue and fascinating stories of ancient people dealing with sexual modern temptations and issues. In this video, we will be looking at 11 categories related to sex. Find out why God had his prophet marry a prostitute! Prostitution is sacred? The dangers of masturbation. Why did God make these laws? Download the full list of scriptures to follow along and for your personal study.  


Marriage, Divorce and Polygamy: Video

Adultery, murder, deceit, stolen inheritance, polygamy… even God’s most blessed human ambassadors fell prey to human temptation. Find out God’s preference in regards to marriage, divorce and polygamy. Download the list of Bible verses related to “Marriage, Divorce, Polygamy” for personal study or to follow along while watching the video!


New Video Series! Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus

In this series of four videos, we will review around 50 of the most notable Old Testament prophecies that foretell a coming Messiah. We will compare these to New Testament scriptures that were fulfilled by Jesus. Click here to download the prophecy scriptures to follow along with videos and for your personal studies.  Visit my YouTube channel to watch all four parts. While there, be sure to subscribe to my channel in order to be notified when new videos are posted. I hope you…


She’s Mine… or so the demon claims before telling the truth…

During this exorcism, the demon insists the woman host belongs to him. When confronted, the demon confesses the truth about who owns her spirit. The demon also confesses why he refuses to let her go. Perhaps it’s the same reason why demons want control of you... Need help? Consider a SoulCleanse today!


Don’t let this happen to you! This video exposes how one human is able to leave a piece of its mind, in cooperation with “watcher” demons, to manipulate another human... an all too common practice! Humans are made in three parts: * Spirit: Connection to Creator * Physical Body * Soul: (mind, emotions, will) These are some ways humans implant mind fragments: spells by witchcrafters (black and white), ceremonies where one “opens their mind” to a healer: shamanic journeys, ayahuasca, voodoo and other cultural rituals... Vows to a cult, religious,…


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