Message from the Masters, April 11, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering May 11, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We trust that inwardly you are well and on your way to inner peace. This is a conscious, chosen path that only a few will select. As you weed out anything that brings chaos into your awareness, this peace will more readily become attainable to you. We offer you a challenge, an opportunity to expedite this inward path. Take time each day to sit quietly. If you have little children…


Message from the Masters: Equinox Celestial Gathering March 20, 2021

Photo of Equinox sunrise from my new home.  Message from the Masters Equinox Celestial Gathering March 20, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We again are pleased to have this time to consciously connect with you. We know that many of you wish to communicate more clearly with us. Know that we do hear your pleas, expressions of gratitude and your desire to be more in communion with us. The best practice to make this union deeper is first, belief. You must believe you are worthy. Know…


Message from the Masters, January 28, 2021

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 28, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, As we settle into the new year, take time to review the past few months. Are there areas of concern in which you were mentally, emotionally or physically challenged? Take time to go within to find the root causes. If you have now balanced these situations, take note on the mental and heart-felt choices you made to face and overcome these issues. If you swept the problem under the rug, this…


Message from the Masters: Jan 13, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering January 13, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, Once again, we are excited to have the privilege of communing with you. We know that most of you can’t “see” us or “feel” us, but it is our pleasure that even under these circumstances, you still believe and connect. Know that we are always with you and helping to oversee the imbalances in the world. But without your requests for assistance, we cannot intervene. Thus, bring us your burdens and…


Message from the Masters 121420

Message from the Masters December 14, 2020 Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We again wish to thank for choosing to join with us during these important personal and global Celestial Gatherings. Right now, on earth, the gathering of Light-minded humans is essential in order to help “rise up” the whole. One’s personal ascension is a momentous occasion, for not only does it bring up the one, it also helps to raise the energy of the One. We are all intertwined as one huge energy field.…


Message from the Masters 091720

Message from the Masters September 17, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are grateful indeed for those of you who are taking time to consciously connect with us. There is much we can do when we work in tandem. Many of us have walked the earth, for many lifetimes, experiencing the same pain and hurt that you have experienced. We know your pain and we hear your prayers. Understand that due to Free Will, your “soul contracts” before birth, any fears you hold onto and limiting…


090220 Message from the Masters

090220 Message from the Masters Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We are again ecstatic for this time to be with you. Whenever you reach out to us for assistance, you open more doors to wonderful possibilities than you can imagine. We know the times are troubling and many of you are struggling past the point of feeling overwhelmed. However, be of good cheer, for we are near. Whenever you reach for help outside of duality, you open new doors of possibilities towards bringing in more…

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At-One-Ment Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering August 18, 2020   Greetings Dear Ones, We are again happy to be at-one-ment with you during this gathering and unification of our energies. There is much chaos in your realm at this time and we know that many of you are on the edge of despair. Yet, know that this year of 20/20 “perfect sight” is what many of you have co-created and that is exactly what is happening. Even the masses around you are…

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Awakening to Mastery

When a human is awakening to mastery, following the path of the lightworker and striving for unity through unconditional love, all things are available. There have been many Masters who have walked the Earth in human form. These Beings were able to do amazing things: heal the sick, resurrect the dead, teleport, manifest objects from thin air and much more. Within you is the ability to be a Master. It is through facing your fears and learning to love all Beings unconditionally that your gifts…


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