New Moon Celestial Gathering Message: July 5, 2024

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message July 5, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, We are happy for this time to commune with you. Today is a grand and glorious day. You are alive. You can think and make choices. You can breathe and you can eat. What more is that there that you wish to experience? Take a few moments now to consider this. We are aware that there are physical and financial limitations. Yet, it is good now and then to dream out of the box,…


Solstice Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message: June 20, 2024

Celestial Gathering Message Solstice ~ Full Moon June 20, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, As this season comes to an end, take time to review your actions over the past few months. Celebrate the moments where you experienced and expressed love and joy. Consider how you can achieve more in the next three months. What measure do you use to compare your achievements or shortfalls to? God? Your neighbor? Your partner? Your boss? Your dog? Your self? Your Self? I hope that your choice is God,…


New Moon Celestial Gathering Message: June 6, 2024

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message June 6, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with delight that we savor these moments with you. For there is nothing that brings more joy to our souls than to be in communion with you. We know that you are facing difficult times, but we wish to encourage you to continue forward, for there is much more joy at the end of the journey. Spend time in meditation, expressing gratitude, asking for guidance and simply stilling your mind and body.…


Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message May 3, 2024

Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message May 3, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with great joy that we commune with you at this time. We understand the pain and suffering that you are dealing with. Yet, we assure you that there is also much joy that is attainable to those who seek it. Be mindful of where you place your attention, in each moment. Is what you are focused on something that is uplifting you? Is it bringing you closer to God? Is it bringing…


Message from the Masters April 23, 2024

Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters April 23, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with great joy that we commune with you at this time. We know that many are suffering hardships, some quite unbearable, but know that solace can be had when going within and focusing on gratitude for what you do have. We cannot state this more strongly, the importance of gratitude. For in there lies appreciation and the hope that more will be offered to you. Be wary of taking…


Message from the Masters: April 8, 2024

New Moon Solar Eclipse Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters April 8, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with great joy that we openly commune with you.  We are happy for the times when you consciously open to us. For without that opening, our hands are tied to helping you. Thus, tune in daily and ask for help with your problem areas. Then listen for our subtle responses and cues. We cannot fix your problems, only guide you to solutions. When it comes to your…

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Message from the Masters March 25, 2024

Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters March 25, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with much gladness that we have these few moments to commune with you. We wish to inspire you to reach inside whenever you are having problems to overcome. For when you go within, you will find all Truth. However, you must first prepare yourself so that you can discern the Truth of what is coming from the Higher Self and what is coming from the lower, corrupted self. As…


Equinox Message from the Masters

Equinox Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters March 19, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, Here we are, beginning another season around the sun. What are your goals for the next three months? Have you a plan set in place? What are your highest priorities? Perhaps you can list them under the following categories: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. What would you like to experience in each aspect of your life? One can go through life with no plans. However, having some direction does have value. Going within…


Message from the Masters: March 10, 2024

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters March 10, 2024 Dear ones, It is with great joy that we have these moments to commune with you. It is our heartfelt desire that you will tune in with us more often, for we offer you much comfort during these times of tribulation. Our message today is one of hope and joy. It is our hope that you will seek joy in all things. For in doing so, you will also find peace and happiness. These…


Message from the Masters: February 24, 2024

Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters February 24, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with great pleasure that we have these few moments to commune with you. It is our wish that you come more often for guidance and an exchange of heavenly energies. We are available at all times. Simply quiet your mind, concentrate on us and we will respond. Many of you may be noticing that things seem to be “heating up,” not only in an ecological sense, but also one’s…

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