Communicate Your Feelings

When things anger you, take time to reflect on what buttons are being pushed. If the root cause is something that needs to be released, work towards doing just that! How do you effectively resolve your anger? Share your comments below.


How do you unload your burdens?

Throughout life, we often store our emotions, throttle our words and don't take action on letting our light shine. What are some ways that you have unloaded your burdens and stepped into your Truth? Share below, it may help someone else to release more of their own burdens!



Review your current life circumstances. Express gratitude for the things you have manifested that are beneficial in your life. Consider the things that are non-beneficial and focus your intentions on how to get them in balance or to release them. As you awaken each morning, be ready to go with the flow and stay focused on what you would like to manifest. Dare to be different!


Sharing Love

Take time today to nurture yourself. Then send thoughts of love to others, even the challenging people in your life. Expand it further to embrace those in strife.  



Heartfelt gratitude, even for the unpleasant experiences in life, makes it easier to forgive, move through fear and release energy blocks. This in turn allows the natural flow of life energy throughout the body. With unimpeded energy, the body is able to heal. When the body is in balance, this makes it easier to remain calm in every situation. When one is calm and experiencing inner peace, the mind can be more focused, producing clarity. With clarity, one is able to make better life-affirming changes.…


Life Changes

With each change in direction, there is a time of transition. Stay focused on your goal and enjoy each step of the way! Know that you are never alone!  


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