Beacon of Light

See yourself as a beacon of Light. Have courage to speak your truth and shine your life on others so you will see them as the perfect Spirit Beings they are. Shine your light inwards to reveal those parts of yourself that you are now ready to change. If you are not living your full potential, what light can you shed on the fears that hold you back?


Speak with Integrity

Take time to review any beliefs you have taken on blindly. Research with an open mind, seeking to discover the truth before blindly disseminating that information to others. "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." Matthew 15:14 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God, my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. ~Psalm 25:5


Beliefs Change

Beliefs change from time to time as you develop understanding in various realms of your life. It is wise to always be open to others' insights and to take time to reflect on new information that comes your way. "But test everything; hold fast what is good." 1 Thessalonians 5:21


Change Beliefs

You cannot eradicate old beliefs until you shine a light on them. Consciously choose which beliefs to keep. Release those that no longer apply.  


Communicate Your Feelings

When things anger you, take time to reflect on what buttons are being pushed. If the root cause is something that needs to be released, work towards doing just that! How do you effectively resolve your anger? Share your comments below.


How do you unload your burdens?

Throughout life, we often store our emotions, throttle our words and don't take action on letting our light shine. What are some ways that you have unloaded your burdens and stepped into your Truth? Share below, it may help someone else to release more of their own burdens!


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