
Ascension means to rise above. In essence, there is no place to rise above or descend to. The Realm where we physically reside is in essence an illusion. The Earth Realm is similar to watching a movie. When the movie is completed, you leave the theatre, walk to your car and continue with your life. There is no ascension; you simply progress onward. The ascension process is simply another step in one's daily routine. Whether your vibration raises or lowers is dependent on the choices…


Gratitude Meditation

If possible, do this gratitude meditation while in nature or your yard. If not, cozy up with a houseplant or a photo of one. Spend several moments caressing a plant or sitting with a tree. Focus solely on your breathing. On your inhale, breathe in oxygen and the fragrance of the plant. On your exhale, give gratitude to the plant for providing the oxygen that you breathe. Continue with this simple exercise until you are completely relaxed and have worked up a warm feeling of…


Love, Gratitude and Peace Meditation

Experience this love, gratitude and peace meditation every day. If possible, go into nature and take a gentle walk. Pay attention to all you see around you. Let the love of Source fill your Being while basking in the glory of your Essence. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out in cycles. With the first inbreath, inhale pure love from Source feeling every cell in your body filled with this love. As you breathe out, send love back to Source. On the second inbreath, inhale…


Spiritual Teachers

It is wise and comforting to study the words of spiritual teachers, yet, it is imperative to take in only those things that intuitively feel are best for your unique path. Seek spiritual teachers who are role models of love and compassion, for they know the secrets to happy living. If your goal is to ascend out of duality, then ask for Guidance from Masters who are ascended above this realm. Call on the ones you are drawn to and build a relationship with them,…


Connecting with your I Am Presence

Connecting with your I Am Presence Celestial Gathering October 13, 2019 Message from the Masters Dear Ones, We are again en-light-ed to spend time consciously with you. If all humans were to turn “upwards” and reach for our assistance, heaven on earth could be attained in the “twinkling of an eye.” Thus, it is important to share your “good news” as you awaken, with others who are truly Seeking, as well. In the meantime, do all you can do to enhance your spiritual awareness. This…


Express Gratitude

Express gratitude each morning as you arise. Set aside a few moments to appreciate everything in your environment. Relax and release the tension in your body. Thank God / Creator for your opportunity to walk the Earth in physical form. Send waves of gratitude to the multitude of Spirit Guides who support and assist you. Acknowledge your body, paying attention to its needs. Increase your well-being and the circuitry that allows you access to All. In every moment, see yourself as whole and complete. Your…


10 Principles to Live By

10 Principles to Live By 1. Daily take time for meditation, whether you choose to seek ways to improve yourself or simply as a way to relax. Spend less time running around doing mundane things that suck your energy. 2. Be kind to yourself and all living Beings on Earth, for this will bring great joy as you begin to harmonize closer with each other. 3. Spend moments in gratitude until this becomes your fulltime attitude. Gratitude is of a very high frequency and will…



Pay attention to synchronicities, which are meaningful coincidences. Count them as blessings as you walk along your life Path. Have the courage to follow through with ideas that feel inspiring, for they likely are guideposts for you. There are times when you will falter, but you will never be lost. Call on your Higher Self and Spirit Guides for assistance. They are always nearby to set up new experiences to help you stay on your Path. Take time to clear your mind. Go into meditation…


Embrace Diversity

Embrace diversity, for very person is unique, coming from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Your beliefs are the foundation upon which you manifest your entire reality. When your foundation is built on love, peace, joy and kindness, you will see the world from these lenses. You will expect people to respond to you in like manner. No two humans are the same; why attempt to make it so? Accept others’ individuality. Embrace and encourage them even when you do not agree. Then we will…



Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their…


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