Unconditional Love

To experience unconditional love, relinquish the need to change others. Focus your attention inward, on changing your attitude and beliefs. Once you are in control of your emotions and responses, you will have less need and desire to change others. The goal is to love freely, without the need to save others from experiencing whatever they choose. Go within and work on your ability to love others unconditionally. In the beginning, especially with difficult relationships, this may seem impossible. In these cases, work within yourself…


Inner Housecleaning: Video

https://youtu.be/UAcfpx_sVSQ As you make changes to your interior, you might also want to declutter and energize your home, office or yard. Check out my book: Feng Shui: Creating Places of Peace. https://www.theresacrabtree.com/feng-shui/    


Visualize then Realize

Visualize, then realize is part of the creative process. Spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach? Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products…


June 21, 2020 New Moon Message

June 21, 2020 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering   Greetings Dear Ones, We are indeed happy that you are consciously choosing to connect with us. Very few on earth know of us or believe in us and this indeed is a sad state of affairs, for they keep themselves locked in the misery that abounds on earth. However, be of good cheer, for those of you who are consciously awakening, just your presence alone on earth, does have a positive aspect for…


Life Review

You originally came from a place of love, energetic love, where nothing else existed. Coming to Earth, you chose to experience various facets of not-love, such as forgiveness, compassion, non-judgment, etc. Upon leaving this Realm, the full memory of all you have experienced on Earth is stored in the Akashic Records. You are a living library. Every experience, each moment of your life, is recorded and has the potential to assist untold numbers of individuals on their journey. That is how important and significant you…


June 20, 2020 Solstice Message from the Masters

Message from the Masters Solstice Celestial Gathering June 20, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to the beginning of another season, as the cycle of the sun affects your beautiful planet. There is much to be thankful for. We express our gratitude for those of you who are reaching beyond duality and inviting us to consciously be a part of your journey. We invite you to begin this season by going within and taking stock of your life. Look at they way you do things and…


Lighten Your Load

Lighten your load by releasing low-density thoughts such as hate and revenge vibrate at a slower speed. This slow speed allows it to interact more with physical matter. In this way, diseases are born. Higher frequency vibrations such as gratitude and compassion run through the body, sending sparklets of light and love as it flows through. When you exchange lower thoughtforms with those of higher frequencies, such as love and peace, you begin lightening your load. As you make higher vibrational choices, you will draw…


Self Love

Self love is a challenge for most people. However, there is nothing more important on Earth than to become aware of your Spiritual Essence. Once you have enlightened your Self, your ability to love from a pure heart will exponentially increase. Become aware of who you truly are.  Work through fears and beliefs that keep you from allowing love of Self and love from Source to flow through you. As you master this, the ability to be a role model for others will exponentially increase.…


Release your Inner Child

Are you ready to release your inner child? Let us celebrate by making joyful noises! Release your inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with delight. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself your inner child. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature.…


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