Stumbling Blocks

One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, life becomes more meaningful and magical. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid…


Creating Time and Energy

Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in…


10 Unconditionally Love Tips

Are you ready to unconditionally love yourself and others? Here are some starter points. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself. Choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim. Be kind to yourself and all others. Smile at everyone and…


Every Day is a Gift

Every Day is a Gift Message from the Masters 113020 Celestial Gathering Greetings Dear Ones, We have the utmost respect and Love for each of you as you awaken and move out of your “comfort zone.” We recognize that life is similar to a battleground, whichever way you look, on Earth at this time. Your trials and tribulations in many ways are much more difficult than when we walked the land. However, on the other hand, you have many more “creature comforts” and assistance available…


Message from the Masters: Oneness

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering October 16, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are pleased to have communion with you for the purpose of healing yourselves individually, as well as collectively. Many of you have the concept of “we are one,” but few have had the true experience of this. Thus, the more you release the concerns of the world and move towards union with your Higher Self, the easier it will be to make this “leap of faith” and begin to experience…


Message from the Masters 091720

Message from the Masters September 17, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are grateful indeed for those of you who are taking time to consciously connect with us. There is much we can do when we work in tandem. Many of us have walked the earth, for many lifetimes, experiencing the same pain and hurt that you have experienced. We know your pain and we hear your prayers. Understand that due to Free Will, your “soul contracts” before birth, any fears you hold onto and limiting…


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