Morning Reflections

Every morning, communicate with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Invoke Archangel Micha-el and your favorite Masters to energize a shield of protection around you. Ask your Higher Self if there are any priorities for you to attend to this day. Request that messages from your Guides come clearly and in ways that allow you to know they are from them. Ask that the reminders to stay on your Path be graceful. Practice tuning in for guidance each moment of the day. Ask your body…

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Love Meditation

Enjoy this simple, yet powerful meditation to increase self-love. Click here to download the full Heart Connection process. You may have seen pictures of religious icons having a Divine Flame or sun in the heart region. Every conscious being has this Divine Flame, which is our connection to the Source of All. The Heart Connection can help you to increase self-love, connect with the Creator, your Higher Self, the Masters of Light and other humans. It is also a way to energetically heal imbalances…


Fine Tune

It is important to fine tune your frequency to match the Earth. As the frequency of the Earth rises, it affects every living and inanimate object on the surface and within. If these things do not match her frequency, they will lose their connection. In order to keep your connection with Earth during this time of transition, you will need to raise your vibrational frequency. The quickest, easiest and most effective way to raise your frequency is through deep experiences of love, peace and gratitude.…

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Set a timer today at various intervals... when it goes off, take a moment to express gratitude. What are you grateful for? How will you express gratitude today? Share below!



GO WITH THE FLOW Greetings Dear Ones, We are filled with joy whenever you seek our assistance and wish to communicate with us. As you know, the majority of people on earth are not consciously aware of what we can offer to them. So, it is indeed a blessing to us to assist those of you who wish to be in communion with us. As you know, things are a bit unsettled on earth, even more than the usual chaos. However, you do not need…

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Heart Connection

To make a Heart Connection, focus your attention on the person you wish to connect with. If appropriate, look into their eyes. Consciously send them a wave of love and appreciation. No words need to be spoken. Even if the other has no idea what you are doing, there will still be an energy exchange that will be felt by both of you. If the receiver is open, he/she will feel a sense of calm and will be more relaxed in your presence. You may…

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Infinite Possibilities

Infinite possibilities are always available. Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open doors to new possibilities. Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine. You already have everything…


Allow Blessings to Flow

Celebrate yourself and connect with your Soul, allowing all blessings to flow freely through you. Maintain positive thoughts. Speak only words of love and express actions that are kind. All else is unworthy of your time and effort and leave you feeling separate from Creator and other humans. Go forth today, shining your light of love from within and outward to all that you encounter. Be grateful for every opportunity that arises, looking for the good in all things. Some experiences may be harder to…



As part of your enlightenment, you have the power to mold yourself into the person you choose to be. Release negative thinking and behaviors built on fear and erroneous beliefs. Consciously connect with your Higher Self until you walk as one. Shed old skins of mistrust, unhappiness, powerlessness, comparisons and all things that keep you feeling separate from others and Source. These are illusions, part of the play that you have been engaged in. Be clear about the things you wish to manifest and experience.…


Connection to Source

Every moment in your life, you are connected to Source. You have the free will to choose the events you wish to experience. Although you are somewhat hampered due to the rules of the universe and interactions with others, you are in control of how to react in every situation. As you clear energetic blockages from your body, the ability to tune into your Soul and Spirit Guides will increase. When you choose love, peace and joy in each situation, your body will vibrationally increase…


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