Team Work

Team Work with other Realms. My passion in life is two-fold, first to help humans connect with their inner Selves, that space where they can find peace every moment, no matter what circumstances in which they find themselves. Secondly, I enjoy helping others communicate more deeply with Nature Spirits. Although many humans know of the existence of Beings in other Realms, most take them for granted. However, the vast majority of humans do not believe or know of the existence of Nature Spirits. Yet, I…


Allow Blessings to Flow

Celebrate yourself and connect with your Soul, allowing all blessings to flow freely through you. Maintain positive thoughts. Speak only words of love and express actions that are kind. All else is unworthy of your time and effort and leave you feeling separate from Creator and other humans. Go forth today, shining your light of love from within and outward to all that you encounter. Be grateful for every opportunity that arises, looking for the good in all things. Some experiences may be harder to…



As part of your enlightenment, you have the power to mold yourself into the person you choose to be. Release negative thinking and behaviors built on fear and erroneous beliefs. Consciously connect with your Higher Self until you walk as one. Shed old skins of mistrust, unhappiness, powerlessness, comparisons and all things that keep you feeling separate from others and Source. These are illusions, part of the play that you have been engaged in. Be clear about the things you wish to manifest and experience.…


Connection to Source

Every moment in your life, you are connected to Source. You have the free will to choose the events you wish to experience. Although you are somewhat hampered due to the rules of the universe and interactions with others, you are in control of how to react in every situation. As you clear energetic blockages from your body, the ability to tune into your Soul and Spirit Guides will increase. When you choose love, peace and joy in each situation, your body will vibrationally increase…


Breathe Love Meditation

While in human form, unconditional love becomes very difficult for those who are not clearly and consciously connected to Source. When you feel separate from the Creator, feelings of anger, frustration and the evils of the world can be overwhelming. By connecting consciously with Source, you will harmonize at a higher frequency, making it easier to regain your composure. There are many ways to connect with Source. If you have a method that works for you, continue what you are doing and consider sharing your…


032420 Message from the Masters

032420 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering March 25, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We again thank you for this opportunity to communicate and to share our energies in a way that uplifts All on planet Earth and beyond. Many of you are feeling the effects of the coronavirus that has spread across the globe. Although this has caused some discomfort and fear, know that it is temporary and as a result, a great purging is in effect. We are excited to see so…


Anointing from the Masters

You are invited to receive an anointing from the Masters. During this time of Transition, the Masters are attempting to reach as many humans as possible, in hopes that more will join in upgrading life on Earth with endless possibilities to express love while in physical form. We are One, from the same Source. We are never apart from Source, although it appears that way while in human form. Allow the Masters to invoke a blessing upon you, an anointing. Take a few moments to…



Many have come to believe there is a need for war in order to maintain peace. These wars not only exist on global levels, but within families, close relationships, co-workers, those you meet casually and within your own self. Rather than waging war with those you disagree with, open your eyes and heart and allow others to walk the Path of their choice. This does not mean to allow those who perpetuate evil to walk their path of destruction. What we are referring to is…

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New You

New You Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 10, 2010 Greetings Dear Ones, As you enter into this new year and new decade, as time is recorded on earth, we encourage you to focus on creating a “new you.” This is the You that is aware of your spiritual roots. Allow your New You to start each day with gratitude for these few moments, while in physical form, the ability to express Divine Love. Throughout the day, mindfully do the same, no…


What Role Will You Choose?

Each day, look at life anew and with wonder. You have the ability to change old habits that hinder your growth. Within you lies the love of Source who sends Heavenly Helpers to assist in whatever you wish to experience. This world is illusory, a playground; treat it as such. The Earth is a place where you can choose to be the monster or the fairy godmother. You can choose to be the prince or the pauper. You can play the role of the good…


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