Childhood Innocence

Childhood Innocence: When children are born into families and societies with deep spiritual roots connected to Source and nature, their chances of retaining the remembrance of their spiritual roots is exponentially increased. These children are your teachers. Listen to what they say. Many are psychic and can read your energy. They know when you are speaking from your heart and when you are speaking from your mind. They literally take the messages they receive from television programs and games as being the Truth. It is…

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Rainbow Reminders

Rainbows are symbolic of fortune, abundance and promise. Whenever you see a rainbow, stop what you are doing and tune into these energies, feeling gratitude for the blessings in your life. Visualize yourself receiving abundance in all things. Send blessings to all other Beings so they too, may allow themselves to receive abundance and to share their gifts. See the arch as a portal you can enter at any time to collect gifts within you that currently lie dormant. Receive the promise that you are…



Conscious living is when you recognize and acknowledge your beliefs. Pay attention to the choices you make in each moment. These choices will blatantly and sometimes subtly lead you to the understanding of the foundations you have built your life upon. Take time daily to question your beliefs, not just for your benefit, but also for the betterment of all. We are all from the same Source and will return to the same Source. Once this is fully understood, it will be much easier for…


Daily Cleansing

Daily cleansing will help those who are floundering, not knowing where to place their time and energy. There is much unrest due to the remolding of all infrastructures. Many changes are occurring rapidly on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions. Some are feeling uneasy and full of anxiety and despair. Much of this is due to unconscious chatter on the energy grids as well as whispers from your Soul and Spirit Guides. It is good every morning to clear yourself of adverse energies that…


We are One

We are One! All humans come from the same Source and will return to the same Source at the appointed time. We are made from the same organic materials. We are all brothers and sisters choosing to experience life in a physical setting. Many are spiritually awakening and feeling the urge to do something more. Others who are already awakened are feeling a push to get on with the work they came here to do. Some are feeling cornered and are making their last stand…


Love Exchange

We exchange love by giving and receiving. There are many facets of love such as compassion, kindness, respect and gratitude. When you send someone loving thoughts, they receive them in an instant. They may suddenly feel a warm rush of energy and not know why. Although it may be difficult to love those who trespass against you, these are your greatest teachers, for when you can love them, it becomes much easier to love yourself and others. Choose one person that is difficult for you…


Love, Gratitude and Peace Meditation

Experience this love, gratitude and peace meditation every day. If possible, go into nature and take a gentle walk. Pay attention to all you see around you. Let the love of Source fill your Being while basking in the glory of your Essence. Slowly and deeply, breathe in and out in cycles. With the first inbreath, inhale pure love from Source feeling every cell in your body filled with this love. As you breathe out, send love back to Source. On the second inbreath, inhale…


Preparing for Ascension

Preparing for Ascension New Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters October 27, 2019 Greetings Dear Ones, We are again excited to have this time to commune with you. We ask at this time for you to prepare yourself for the Ascension. Although this is a long way off, now is the time to prepare, so that you can live your life accordingly. Take time to go into a quiet space and start releasing the things that no longer serve you. Look back on people…

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