Life is a Journey

Life is a journey. Within you is the ability to communicate directly with Source, your Soul, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. The Veils between the Realms have been thinning as more humans discover that indeed, they can make the connection on their own. Although there are many teachers who can assist with your ascension process, all the truth you need may be found within. Learn to trust your intuition. Ask questions and seek answers. Talk to others with differing opinions, integrating the knowledge that is…


New You

New You Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 10, 2010 Greetings Dear Ones, As you enter into this new year and new decade, as time is recorded on earth, we encourage you to focus on creating a “new you.” This is the You that is aware of your spiritual roots. Allow your New You to start each day with gratitude for these few moments, while in physical form, the ability to express Divine Love. Throughout the day, mindfully do the same, no…


Message from the Masters 111219

Connecting with your Higher Self Greetings Dear Ones, Once again, we are happy to experience conscious communion with you. There is so much that we can offer every human in terms of their awakening. However, our hands are tied unless we are asked to assist. This is due to the Law of Universal Interference. We are unable to interfere with any sentient being’s awakening or any other matter unless one in embodiment requests our service. Thus, gatherings such as this are of utmost importance. Within…


Preparing for Ascension

Preparing for Ascension New Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters October 27, 2019 Greetings Dear Ones, We are again excited to have this time to commune with you. We ask at this time for you to prepare yourself for the Ascension. Although this is a long way off, now is the time to prepare, so that you can live your life accordingly. Take time to go into a quiet space and start releasing the things that no longer serve you. Look back on people…

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One Affects All

One affects all, when one person has a thought, it becomes an energetic field that floats outward. Higher frequency thoughtforms, such as love and gratitude, simply pass through dense masses. Lower frequencies collide with each other. Their essence is sticky, which allows them to glop to each other. When a person begins to change his thoughts, words and behaviors to those of higher frequencies, he uplifts himself, as well as everyone else. You may have heard the term “collective consciousness.” This refers to a proportionally…


Connecting with your I Am Presence

Connecting with your I Am Presence Celestial Gathering October 13, 2019 Message from the Masters Dear Ones, We are again en-light-ed to spend time consciously with you. If all humans were to turn “upwards” and reach for our assistance, heaven on earth could be attained in the “twinkling of an eye.” Thus, it is important to share your “good news” as you awaken, with others who are truly Seeking, as well. In the meantime, do all you can do to enhance your spiritual awareness. This…



Pay attention to synchronicities, which are meaningful coincidences. Count them as blessings as you walk along your life Path. Have the courage to follow through with ideas that feel inspiring, for they likely are guideposts for you. There are times when you will falter, but you will never be lost. Call on your Higher Self and Spirit Guides for assistance. They are always nearby to set up new experiences to help you stay on your Path. Take time to clear your mind. Go into meditation…



Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their…


Unconditional Love

Message from the Masters: Unconditional Love Full Moon Celestial Gathering Message September 13, 2019 Greetings! Thank you for taking the time and effort to join with us. Do not underestimate the value of your worth, especially when joining together in a collective group for the purpose of supporting earth and her inhabitants. There is nothing of more value than to spend time in quiet reflection, calling upon us to assist with the needs of All, including yourself. We are here 24/7 to assist you. Nothing…

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Higher Self and Spirit Guides

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters Higher Self and Spirit Guides August 30, 2019 Greetings! We are deLIGHTed to be in close communion with you once again. We offer the following words of encouragement to you. Take time each day to go within and give some attention to one thing that has you feeling off balance. Begin by sitting in a comfortable position where you will not be distracted for at least 20 minutes. Take several deep and slow breaths in and then…


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