Lightworkers Unite!

LIGHTWORKERS UNITE Gather together and visualize the world you wish to create. No longer can we sit idly by waiting for everyone else to do the work. Roll up your sleeves and delve into the work at hand. Working together, take the necessary steps to create this dream into reality. You have unique talents. Decide what role you wish to play during this transition. No role is too small; however, there is the risk of taking on too much. Decide for yourself which skills you…


Purify Water with Prayer

In 2002, when I was living on the Navajo Reservation, my host, Daniel Staley, talked about the rugged lifestyle his ancestors incurred. Drinking water was dependent on rainfall, which could be scant in this remote desert region surrounding Canyon de Chelly. He showed me how his grandparents taught him to brush away the debris in a mud puddle. Then how to pray over the water to purify it. He said no matter how dirty the water was, they never got sick from it. Several months…


Message from the Masters January 25, 2024

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 25, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, It is with much gladness that we commune with you this day. We are always available to hear your prayers and to help as much as is permitted. Yet, know that we will never do anything against your free will. This means that when you do ask for help, be sure that you are truly in alignment with letting go of any fears or beliefs associated with this matter. Go deep…


Spreading Peace

We need to focus on inner peace and expanding it outward, now more than ever! That is a main feature of the Celestial Gatherings. Consider joining us... it's remote, just set your intentions. The power of group intention has been well documented! For more info, visit: One person CAN make a difference! Be that person! Have a blessed week! Theresa


Two Important Healing Books

Heal Your Body book and Messages from the Body “Heal Your Body” by Louise Hay was an eye-opener for me. This book was my introduction to recognizing the impact I have on my body as a result of my thoughts, fears and beliefs. When I looked up various symptoms and the probable root cause, I could see a direct correlation, not only in myself, but how others were impacting their bodies, as well. Years later, when I began the SoulCleanse work, I realized the importance…


10 Communication Tips

10 Communication Tips Obtain the attention of the person to whom you wish to speak. Ask if this is an appropriate time to have a conversation. If appropriate, give an approximate length of time you expect to converse. When you are in conversation with another, give them your full attention. Avoid performing other activities, including doodling, while others speak. Stay focused on one topic to avoid confusion. When appropriate, repeat what the speaker is saying in order to gain clarity. This may seem tedious, but…


Message from the Masters: January 11, 2024

New Moon Celestial Gathering Message from the Masters January 11, 2024 Greetings Dear Ones, Here you are, the beginning of a new cycle around the Gregorian calendar. We encourage you to closely review your main thoughts, words and actions of the past ten days. What uplifted you? What brought you closer to joy? What brought you closer to inner peace? What knocked you off balance? When one reviews like this each day, you will quickly find patterns that bring you closer to upliftment or closer…


Near Death Experience

NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE Before incarnation, you are given possible exit points that are determined by your Higher Self. Exit points are times when you subconsciously choose to die. These exit points come at times when it is likely you have attained the experiences or reasons you came to Earth. Sometimes, your Higher Self sets up scenarios in which you nearly die as a way to get you back on track. Due to the state of amnesia when you enter this Realm, you may take longer…

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Social Masks

SOCIAL MASKS When I was around 25, I received a beautiful Christmas card from a neighbor that I hadn’t seen since I graduated high school. She had received my card and responded to my annual Christmas letter. She was so happy for me, stating that I had the “All American Dream” life: A hard-working husband of the same Christian faith. Two healthy children: a boy, then a girl, two years apart, both doing well academically. A home in Florida with a swimming pool. I could…


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