Daily Exercises

Greetings Dear Ones, We are ever grateful for this time with you. Do know that at anytime you can call upon us for Guidance or for an astral hug. We love you dearly and enjoy any moments in which you commune with us. We have some exercises for you today. We encourage you to begin each morning in a meditative state. Fill up your being with gratitude and as much love as you can muster. Visualize Divine Love flowing into you, expand it around your…


Changing Behaviors

Message from the Masters Solstice Celestial Gathering June 21, 2021 Greetings Beloved, As we enter into a new season, this is a wonderful time to go within and review what you have experienced this past season. Were there some unmet goals that are still of importance to you? Were there some blessings that have filled your heart with gratitude? How are you doing with your thoughts? Are you monitoring them, so that you can fine-tune “who” you want to be? What about the words that…


Making Changes

Within you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All it takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something ready to be transformed. First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you deeply breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your…


Visualize then Realize

Visualize, then realize is part of the creative process. Spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach? Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products…


Power of Intention

The power of intention can radically change your life! Through the energy field of infinite possibilities, you have at your fingertips the ability to create whatever you wish to experience. The simple rule of manifestation is to focus your attention on what you want. Do not let your mind dwell on things you do not wish to experience. As unwanted thoughts creep in, redirect them to things you desire. Practice makes perfect, yet unbeknownst to you, you already are perfect. As an ambassador of your…


Heart Connection

To make a Heart Connection, focus your attention on the person you wish to connect with. If appropriate, look into their eyes. Consciously send them a wave of love and appreciation. No words need to be spoken. Even if the other has no idea what you are doing, there will still be an energy exchange that will be felt by both of you. If the receiver is open, he/she will feel a sense of calm and will be more relaxed in your presence. You may…

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Every day spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach?  Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products do you wish to have available? Do…

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