Rewriting Old Programs
Feeling stuck? Here is a simple process to reprogram "old tapes" that have become a stumbling block.
The following are steps to setting your intentions. 1. Clearly focus on one thing you wish to bring about. 2. State your intention, what it is you wish to experience. Follow your intention with the phrase, “for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully.” 3. Visualize yourself experiencing this goal, using your five senses. 4. Know that the steps towards its manifestation are now in progress. 5. Thank all of those who are assisting in creating this reality. Expect the…
Within you lies the power to change anything in your life that is out of balance. All this takes is courage and the conscious awareness that there is something ready to be transformed. First, take a few moments to quiet your inner mind and outer world. Let go of the thoughts of the day. As you deeply breathe in and out, relax your muscles from your toes to your nose. Fill your heart with gratitude while focusing on the many blessings that are in your…
In order to manifest anything, the basic order is the same for all scenarios. Clear your mind, speak you intention and visualize the outcome. See yourself in the final outcome of the situation. As much as possible, feel those emotions; use your senses to see, touch, smell, taste and hear yourself in the scenario. By stating, visualizing and practicing, you quickly break the habit by simply doing or being what it is you want to create. However, by stating the intention and visualizing yourself in…
Relax your body by focusing on each group of muscles at a time. Place your attention on your toes; inhale while tightening your toe muscles. On the exhale, relax your toes. Next, rotate your ankles to loosen them. On the next inhale, tighten the muscles of your lower legs. On the exhale, relax those muscles. Then do the same with your upper legs, tummy, buttocks, back, upper arms, lower arms, fingers, shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, etc. As you practice this exercise, you will learn to…
Take a moment to quiet your mind, letting loose any concerns of the day. Retreat to a quiet space where it is likely you will not be disturbed. Being in nature is optimal, especially sitting against a large tree. Get into a comfortable position. Allow your body to relax. Pay attention to your breathing. Take a deep breath in, hold it a moment, and then let your breath out fully. Repeat this until your body releases tension. Then resume your normal breathing pattern. Is there…