Change Your Life

Are you ready to change your life? There are many changes occurring on earth and within yourself at this time. You may feel a quickening happening within your body. At times, you may feel as though you are going insane, for you have thoughts, feelings and physical vibrations that you have never experienced before. This is all part of what many call the "ascension process" which has been written about in nearly every ancient religious text. Your current beliefs hold tremendous power over your ability…


Embrace All

Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, as siblings, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Soul Connection 106 ~ Rebuilding CommUnity

What do you want your life to look like? What are your passions and how can you fit them into your life? Begin to create what you wish to accomplish through clear visualizations. If you can see it in your mind, feel it with your emotions and incorporate your senses, you can create it in your reality. Allow yourself to be the person you wish to be. Work through issues that leave you feeling as though you have little worth or self-esteem. Know you are…


Soul Connection 101 ~ Breath of Life

Your breath is the most important element you need to exist on Earth. Try not breathing for just a few minutes and you will understand its importance. Breathing consciously while setting intentions is very powerful. There are many techniques on how to use the breath to energize the body, mind and soul. You might consider a conscious breathing exercise as part of your daily life. At first, conscious breathing methods can seem tedious as you learn to quiet the mind, which is constantly chattering and…


Soul Connection 100 ~ Return to Unity

All humans are children of God. Not only do we have the same blood running in our veins, but we also have the same spirit connection to the Source of all. In one sense, we are all gods, each being an aspect of the whole, a hologram. Take time each day to go within and find ways to make this connection with your Soul, other humans and all of creation. The following are suggestions to return to unity with All. Focus on positive thoughts. Build…


Soul Connection 99 ~ Soul Connections

Your Soul created your human incarnation. It has a purpose in wanting to have this experience, at this time. Your Soul is perfect, having a deeper understanding of how the universe works. There is no greater place to go for Guidance than to the Soul that created you. Although others can assist along your life Path, everything you need to know lies within you. Set time aside each day and connect with your Soul for insight and guidance. The connection is simple, but entails that…


Soul Connection 98 ~ Stumbling Blocks

One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, life becomes more meaningful and magical. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid…


Soul Connection 96 ~ Share Your Knowledge

Imagine the entire world returning to a cycle of communing together and assisting each other in overcoming the negative thinking and beliefs that currently wreak havoc on Earth and beyond.   Can you imagine the beauty and peace that will exist as each of us returns to our way of Be-ing, of perfect Spirit, while living in the human form? It is possible, but will take effort from all, beginning with you.   There are many ways to be of service, yet the most overlooked…


Soul Connection 89 ~ Setting Intentions

The following are steps to setting your intentions. 1. Clearly focus on one thing you wish to bring about. 2. State your intention, what it is you wish to experience. Follow your intention with the phrase, “for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully.” 3. Visualize yourself experiencing this goal, using your five senses. 4. Know that the steps towards its manifestation are now in progress. 5. Thank all of those who are assisting in creating this reality. Expect the…


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