Empowerment Video

https://youtu.be/GD2TWd-pa-Y How do you empower yourself? Share below!   © 2020  Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include this copyright statement. Read More Inspirational Message at: https://www.theresacrabtree.com/blog Listen to them at: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheresaCrabtree88 Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse® today! https://www.theresacrabtree.com/soulcleanse


Life is a Journey

Life is a journey. Within you is the ability to communicate directly with Source, your Soul, Spirit Guides and Ascended Masters. The Veils between the Realms have been thinning as more humans discover that indeed, they can make the connection on their own. Although there are many teachers who can assist with your ascension process, all the truth you need may be found within. Learn to trust your intuition. Ask questions and seek answers. Talk to others with differing opinions, integrating the knowledge that is…


Celebrate You!

CELEBRATE YOU! Today, let's celebrate YOU!  How often do you take time to be grateful for the person you are? If you would do this more often (every moment), your life would be much grander! Your Soul and Spirit Guides say, “Thank you!” Without your experiences on Earth, they would not be as enriched. By having the privilege of working with you, they are filled with joy. Take time now to thank yourself. Every thought, word and action you have ever generated has spread throughout…



Many have come to believe there is a need for war in order to maintain peace. These wars not only exist on global levels, but within families, close relationships, co-workers, those you meet casually and within your own self. Rather than waging war with those you disagree with, open your eyes and heart and allow others to walk the Path of their choice. This does not mean to allow those who perpetuate evil to walk their path of destruction. What we are referring to is…

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Morning Gratitude

Start each morning expressing gratitude. Take a few moments to clear your mind of all concerns. Close your eyes, deeply breathing in and out, allowing your body to relax. Once relaxed, fill your mind with the blessings you have in your life. Feel gratitude for these blessings, welling up feelings of love in your heart. Begin by sending blessings to your Creator for allowing you to have this experience as a human. Thank the Earth for hosting your physical form. Without her role, there would…


Change Beliefs

Your current beliefs hold tremendous power over the ability to make choices that are in your best interest. Think back on times when you adhered to a specific truth, no matter how trivial it was. Then remember the feelings and thoughts surrounding that belief when you had an “Aha!” moment and discarded the initial thought for another. Notice how you also changed various patterns and behaviors associated with the old beliefs that did not fit your new paradigm. You have thousands of these beliefs running…


Rainbow Reminders

Rainbows are symbolic of fortune, abundance and promise. Whenever you see a rainbow, stop what you are doing and tune into these energies, feeling gratitude for the blessings in your life. Visualize yourself receiving abundance in all things. Send blessings to all other Beings so they too, may allow themselves to receive abundance and to share their gifts. See the arch as a portal you can enter at any time to collect gifts within you that currently lie dormant. Receive the promise that you are…



Ascension means to rise above. In essence, there is no place to rise above or descend to. The Realm where we physically reside is in essence an illusion. The Earth Realm is similar to watching a movie. When the movie is completed, you leave the theatre, walk to your car and continue with your life. There is no ascension; you simply progress onward. The ascension process is simply another step in one's daily routine. Whether your vibration raises or lowers is dependent on the choices…



Conscious living is when you recognize and acknowledge your beliefs. Pay attention to the choices you make in each moment. These choices will blatantly and sometimes subtly lead you to the understanding of the foundations you have built your life upon. Take time daily to question your beliefs, not just for your benefit, but also for the betterment of all. We are all from the same Source and will return to the same Source. Once this is fully understood, it will be much easier for…


Connect with Nature

Take time to connect with nature. Silence your outer world and take as many breaths as you need to relax and release the worries of the day. Bring to your attention something you wish to resolve or receive direction on. Connect with your Soul.  All that needs to be done to make this connection is to go within and request that it be so. Ask for guidance and listen to the thoughts that come into your head. There is no need to go deeply into…


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