Connection to Source

Every moment in your life, you are connected to Source. You have the free will to choose the events you wish to experience. Although you are somewhat hampered due to the rules of the universe and interactions with others, you are in control of how to react in every situation. As you clear energetic blockages from your body, the ability to tune into your Soul and Spirit Guides will increase. When you choose love, peace and joy in each situation, your body will vibrationally increase…


Breathe Love Meditation

While in human form, unconditional love becomes very difficult for those who are not clearly and consciously connected to Source. When you feel separate from the Creator, feelings of anger, frustration and the evils of the world can be overwhelming. By connecting consciously with Source, you will harmonize at a higher frequency, making it easier to regain your composure. There are many ways to connect with Source. If you have a method that works for you, continue what you are doing and consider sharing your…



Unity Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering April 7, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are honored to work beside you once again. This gathering falls on the anniversary date of our initial Celestial Gathering which took place on April 7, 2016. Several of you have been with us this since the beginning and we are ever grateful for your dedication in uplifting yourself as well as all of mankind, Gaia and her inhabitants… both those in the seen and the unseen realms… for…


Joy in Every Moment

Joy is an attitude. It is a choice one makes every moment. The key to joy is gratitude. When you can be thankful for whatever experience you are having, your whole Being energetically opens to the possibility of feeling joy. Spend time this week being in joy. Set a timer throughout the day to remind you to switch your attitude to one of joy. Continue with this practice until it becomes habitual. You came from a place of joy and soon you will return to…



Are you experiencing satisfaction in your life? Rediscover your true Essence and experience your perfection while in physical form. This was the original intention of the Earth and the reason most humans are currently on the Earth plane. Enjoy each moment. Feel gratitude for every person, place and event that occurs in your life. Be observant of nature, taking special care to impact the environment as little as possible. Treat others with respect, listening to their needs. Encourage each other by focusing on the positive…


Light-Hearted Day

Take time out for a light-hearted day. There is much work to do in your inner and outer world, however, do not forget to take time for enjoyable recreation. Pay attention to the words you speak and the choices you make. Remember to smile, to notice the beauty in Nature and to keep your thoughts focused on your desires. Choose things that bring joy to your heart. Laugh out loud. Do "a bun dance." Focus on what you want in your life and let all…


No Problem!

Are you ready to release a problem in your life? Relax, and get into a quiet state of mind.  State clearly a problem you wish to resolve. Your mind may fill with ideas, possible solutions, steps to take and things you need to change in your life that have exacerbated this problem. As objectively as you can, without judging yourself or another, realize your role in this situation. If you are holding on to feelings of being a victim or needing an apology from another,…


Anointing from the Masters

You are invited to receive an anointing from the Masters. During this time of Transition, the Masters are attempting to reach as many humans as possible, in hopes that more will join in upgrading life on Earth with endless possibilities to express love while in physical form. We are One, from the same Source. We are never apart from Source, although it appears that way while in human form. Allow the Masters to invoke a blessing upon you, an anointing. Take a few moments to…


Celebrate You!

CELEBRATE YOU! Today, let's celebrate YOU!  How often do you take time to be grateful for the person you are? If you would do this more often (every moment), your life would be much grander! Your Soul and Spirit Guides say, “Thank you!” Without your experiences on Earth, they would not be as enriched. By having the privilege of working with you, they are filled with joy. Take time now to thank yourself. Every thought, word and action you have ever generated has spread throughout…


Release the Past

Today, release the past and practice feeling joy in the current moment. There will be situations that arise that in the past left you with heavy feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, etc. When those memories surface, look for the positive nature in them. What did you learn from this experience? Did it help you to set new parameters in your life? Is this an opportunity to make a change? Feel blessed that you have the ability to be on Earth and able to experience this…


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