Release the Past

Today, release the past and practice feeling joy in the current moment. There will be situations that arise that in the past left you with heavy feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, etc. When those memories surface, look for the positive nature in them. What did you learn from this experience? Did it help you to set new parameters in your life? Is this an opportunity to make a change? Feel blessed that you have the ability to be on Earth and able to experience this…


Morning Gratitude

Start each morning expressing gratitude. Take a few moments to clear your mind of all concerns. Close your eyes, deeply breathing in and out, allowing your body to relax. Once relaxed, fill your mind with the blessings you have in your life. Feel gratitude for these blessings, welling up feelings of love in your heart. Begin by sending blessings to your Creator for allowing you to have this experience as a human. Thank the Earth for hosting your physical form. Without her role, there would…


Love Exchange

We exchange love by giving and receiving. There are many facets of love such as compassion, kindness, respect and gratitude. When you send someone loving thoughts, they receive them in an instant. They may suddenly feel a warm rush of energy and not know why. Although it may be difficult to love those who trespass against you, these are your greatest teachers, for when you can love them, it becomes much easier to love yourself and others. Choose one person that is difficult for you…


Smile Awhile

When you go out today, smile and nod a greeting to everyone you meet, making brief eye contact when appropriate. If you will not be going outside today, send smiles and love telepathically to the people you find yourself thinking about, especially anyone you are having problems with. Consider taking a few moments to go through your address book and send a brief smile and Heart Connection to twenty people. This is a great exercise to do when sitting in traffic, waiting in line or…


Connect with Others

It is good to connect with others in your life. To make a Heart Connection, send a feeling of love, from your heart to their heart. This may be difficult in the beginning with those you have difficulties with, but you will find it easier as you practice. Subconsciously, people sense feelings and thoughts you project towards them. Many people are closed to accepting love, so it may take repeated doses to chip down their barriers. Practice doing this and watch how your attitude and…


Soul Connection 44 ~ I Am That, I Am

Focus on a person, place or thing. Repeat in your mind, "I am that, I am." Consciously look at similarities you have with the person, place or object you are focusing on. Make a heart connection by sending love from your heart to their heart. Focus on creating a feeling of gratitude for both the good things and for the lessons you are learning from the not so good things associated with the object of your attention. The goal is to develop a sense of…


Soul Connection 261 ~ Acknowledge Others

Today, greet everyone you meet with a smile, looking into their eyes, when appropriate. Acknowledge their presence and worth by making a heart connection as you send loving thoughts from your heart to theirs. Know they are of the same value as you, no matter which path each of you are currently walking. Thank those who have assisted you or are helping others. A little gratitude goes a long way when spoken with a sincere heart. Encourage others to continue on their Path, empowering rather…


Soul Connection 254 ~ Emotions Are Teachers

Many do all they can to deaden emotions labeled as negative. Instead, embrace all emotions, for within them lies the clues to finding true happiness and joy. When you are sad, there will come a time when you will say, “Enough of this sadness, I am going to change my attitude and behavior so I can experience happiness.” Thus, the sadness leads to your desired goal of happiness. At times, it feels good to express sorrow or pain, for within these emotions, you are connecting…


Soul Connection 251 ~ Serenity Path

Throughout your day, be mindful of all you say and do. Be kind to others, no matter how they treat you. Be careful not to judge others or to make assumptions as to why they behave as they do. As you gain self-control and love of self, you will be able to emit these vibrations from your pores, resonating them out to others. Smile at everyone. Make a Heart Connection with everyone you meet. When thoughts that are unkind come into your conscious awareness, bless…


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