Throughout your day, be mindful of all you say and do. Be kind to others, no matter how they treat you. Be careful not to judge others or to make assumptions as to why they behave as they do. As you gain self-control and love of self, you will be able to emit these vibrations from your pores, resonating them out to others.
Smile at everyone. Make a Heart Connection with everyone you meet. When thoughts that are unkind come into your conscious awareness, bless them for making you aware of being off balance; then think again. When you think of others that you feel unkindly towards, take a moment to emit love to their heart from your heart. They will receive your feelings of love no matter where in the universe they currently reside. As you release bad feelings towards others, you increase the capacity of love to flow freely. This love emits waves that flow freely throughout the universe.
Do all in your power each day to stay connected to the feeling of love provided by God Source. It is your birthright to be happy and in joy each moment. Use your common sense and intuition to forge your way. In the beginning, it will take diligence, paying attention to all you say and do and enormous amounts of self love and discipline to become capable of being loving and in joy each moment. Can you think of anything else more important in your life?
© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
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