Creating Time and Energy

Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in…


Coherent Prayers

Be sure your prayers are coherent, that all involved are united with the intention. Before you pray, hydrate your body with pure water. Go within, tune into your Soul, then ask if the prayer you wish to manifest is appropriate. If you get a positive answer, then call in the Soul of all those involved and ask the same question. Often, you will find that it is not your business to intercede. Incoherent prayers often happen during group gatherings. Let us use the example of…


Decrease Fear, Increase Love

In order to decrease fear and increase love, you must face your fears. Like a bully, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that keep your fears intact requires effort and courage. This is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. Some may encourage you, while others may ridicule you, but stand fast to your truth and press forward. Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release,…


Shine Your Light

What does it mean to “shine your light?” Once upon a time, we all were a singular unit of God, the Creator of All.  There were no individuals, all was an integral part of the whole, similar to the light that shines forth from the sun. At one point, Source fragmented to allow for a variety of experiences. You are one of those fragments. Within you is the eternal flame that is your connection to the Source of All. This light inside your heart is…


Enlighten Yourself

Seek ways to enlighten yourself by overcoming fears and obstacles that keep you from moving upward. Focus your attention on ways you can move forward. Leave behind persons, places and events that keep you bogged in the mire. Choose acts of kindness, not of servitude, for that places you in a position of insubordination or “less than.” Be wary of spending too much time “saving” others to the detriment of moving yourself forward. Otherwise, you become part of the problem, not the solution. Know that…



Discover the priorities in your life and use time wisely to fit what is important into your lifestyle. Begin to filter out relationships and events that drain your energy and expend your time. Balance the time and energy you offer in service to humanity; make sure you take time for relaxation. Pay attention to idle words and what you do with your recreational time. It is not only what you do that is important, what you do not do can be of equal importance. By…


Speak Your Truth

How many times has someone asked you a question, seeking your advice, yet you were too uncomfortable to speak your truth? Perhaps in the past, you were ridiculed or had a relationship tattered because you had the courage to speak your truth. To protect yourself, you created a belief such as, “Telling the truth is not safe.” As a result, telling white lies became a habit. Other truths were built on these white lies until you become unsure of what your truth is. Many are…


Prepare to Dream Big!

Prepare to Dream Big! Take several deep breaths in and out and release the tensions of the day. Once you are relaxed, choose a behavior, a fear or a belief you are ready to release. Take a few moments to fantasize about possible doors that could open as you choose to release this. Dream big, for all possibilities have the potential to become your reality. Mentally visualize your life as though what you want is already a reality. Writing your desire is one powerful option.…


Attend to Your Needs

When you attend to your needs, your emotions, body and mind work together. When one is out of balance, it affects the others. The importance of setting time aside daily for reflection cannot be overstated. Go within and seek things that are holding you back from your true destiny, a life filled with joy and abundance. Bless your emotions, whether you deem them good or bad, for a time will come when you will realize the importance and value of each. In your daily reflections,…


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