What blessings are you witnessing?
What blessings have you experienced or witnessed as a result of the stay-at-home mandates? Share your comments below!
What blessings have you experienced or witnessed as a result of the stay-at-home mandates? Share your comments below!
There has been much global angst and disruption associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. However, everyday, new blessings as a result of these disruptions is appearing in every sector of life. What blessings have you witnessed as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic? Share below!
Is Covid Cabin Fever getting you down? Turn your covid quarantine into a staycation! Answer personal emails and letters Bathe with mineral salts or essential oils Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while Draw on a rock or paper; let your creative juices flow Eat healthy foods and chew mindfully Finish something you have been putting off Gather things you don’t use for a giveaway Hobby crafts Invite family and friends to a virtual party Jot down things in a Gratitude Journal Keep…
Message from the Masters Equinox Celestial Gathering March 19, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, Welcome to a new season, as time is marked on your calendar. Many of you have already been visualizing the year 2020 as one of perfect sight and spiritual awakening. And so it is. Look around at recent changes and upheavals and you will see that there is not one of you who will not be affected by the current exchange of bodily fluids. Yes, one little microbe has brought the…