Message from the Masters: August 8, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering August 9, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are honored and excited to once again commune with you. We encourage you to continue to seek our assistance as you walk your daily Path. Although there are many paths, for the Seeker, there is one Goal and that is communion with the Source of All. At the appointed time, All will commune again as One with the Source. This is a continual pattern, much like as one breathes…

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Daily Exercises

Greetings Dear Ones, We are ever grateful for this time with you. Do know that at anytime you can call upon us for Guidance or for an astral hug. We love you dearly and enjoy any moments in which you commune with us. We have some exercises for you today. We encourage you to begin each morning in a meditative state. Fill up your being with gratitude and as much love as you can muster. Visualize Divine Love flowing into you, expand it around your…


Message from the Masters, January 28, 2021

Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering January 28, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, As we settle into the new year, take time to review the past few months. Are there areas of concern in which you were mentally, emotionally or physically challenged? Take time to go within to find the root causes. If you have now balanced these situations, take note on the mental and heart-felt choices you made to face and overcome these issues. If you swept the problem under the rug, this…


Empower vs Enable

Do you empower or enable people? If there are people or events in your life that keep you off balance, unplug from them or change your perspective. Keep your focus on your goals, not what others are thinking, saying or doing. Release yourself from obligations that are truly not yours. Many believe they are helping others while in reality they are stifling their own growth. Offer advice to those who request it. If they resist what you say, then let it be. They are not…


Self Love

Self love is a challenge for most people. However, there is nothing more important on Earth than to become aware of your Spiritual Essence. Once you have enlightened your Self, your ability to love from a pure heart will exponentially increase. Become aware of who you truly are.  Work through fears and beliefs that keep you from allowing love of Self and love from Source to flow through you. As you master this, the ability to be a role model for others will exponentially increase.…


032420 Message from the Masters

032420 Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering March 25, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We again thank you for this opportunity to communicate and to share our energies in a way that uplifts All on planet Earth and beyond. Many of you are feeling the effects of the coronavirus that has spread across the globe. Although this has caused some discomfort and fear, know that it is temporary and as a result, a great purging is in effect. We are excited to see so…


Be Kind

Be kind to others and release the walls of separation. There is no need to be concerned about missing the "ascension" if you keep an awareness of being One with all as a goal. There are no perfect, right or wrong Paths. All lead to the same place, providing opportunity for varied experiences. Choose love, kindness and gratitude and you will be blessed abundantly. Take your mind off saving the world and pay attention to how you affect the world. Place your attention on areas…


Spiritual Progression

Every moment is a natural progression of your spiritual path. There are many on Earth who are highly enlightened. They remain on Earth to assist others to attain higher degrees of love and understanding. Respect these gurus, but know that you have just as much ability to attain the higher frequencies of unconditional love as they are experiencing. There is no need to follow any one religion. It is not necessary to live a minimalistic lifestyle. Embrace and enjoy all of the beauty and wonder…


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