Message from the Masters May 30, 2022

Greetings Dear Ones, It is with our greatest pleasure to commune with you this day. It is our desire that you take time throughout your day to quiet your mind so that you may commune more freely with us. Many of us have walked the Earth. We know your pain, your trials and your tribulations. Thus, having mastered the difficult Path of Separation, we have much that we can share with you to help you walk your Path with more grace and understanding. Those who…


Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the journey down the Saint Johns River, Florida while listening to today's message.  ;-)



At-One-Ment Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering August 18, 2020   Greetings Dear Ones, We are again happy to be at-one-ment with you during this gathering and unification of our energies. There is much chaos in your realm at this time and we know that many of you are on the edge of despair. Yet, know that this year of 20/20 “perfect sight” is what many of you have co-created and that is exactly what is happening. Even the masses around you are…

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S.T.A.R.T. Creating Miracles

Start creating miracles today! When you set a clear intention and invoke your Soul and Spirit Guides to co-create with you, miracles happen. Passion is a great motivator and gets their attention, telling them you are serious about this intention. Here’s how to S.T.A.R.T. State clear intentions. Trust your intuition, gut feelings and synchronicities. Ask that the request be for your highest good and for the highest good for all concerned, gracefully. Remove fears and beliefs that block the request. Take necessary actions to make…

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