Breath of Life

BREATH OF LIFE Your breath is the most important element you need to exist on Earth. Try not breathing for just a few minutes and you will understand its importance. Breathing consciously while setting intentions is very powerful. There are many techniques on how to use the breath to energize the body, mind and soul. You might consider a conscious breathing exercise as part of your daily life. At first, conscious breathing methods can seem tedious as you learn to quiet the mind, which is…


Stumbling Blocks

One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, life becomes more meaningful and magical. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid…


Share Your Knowledge

SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Imagine the entire world returning to a cycle of communing together and assisting each other in overcoming the negative thoughts and beliefs that currently wreak havoc on Earth and beyond. Can you imagine the beauty and peace that will exist as each of us returns to our way of Be-ing, of perfect Spirit, while living in the human form? It is possible, but will take effort from all, beginning within each of us. There are many ways to be of service, yet…


10 Unconditionally Love Tips

Are you ready to unconditionally love yourself and others? Here are some starter points. Tell yourself often you are perfect and pure. Stop any thoughts you have that condemn yourself. Choose instead to visualize how you will change your future behaviors and rectify past behaviors. Step out of your box and dare to eat, speak, dress, walk, play, rest, dance and sing in manners that are fitting of the truth you wish to proclaim. Be kind to yourself and all others. Smile at everyone and…


Be Sylly!

Take time to be sylly! You have worked hard and often take your Path very seriously. Sometimes, it is good to relax, rest and simply be in joy. Today, every time you pass a mirror, be silly. This also includes reflective surfaces such as windows and cars. Make a silly face, smile from ear to ear, laugh, sing, whatever helps to get you out of serious mode. You may be self-conscious about what others will think. Work through it, invite them to join you, tell…


Conscious Living

Conscious Living: Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the universe, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. On the other hand, fear-based emotions and thoughtforms stick together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. With sincere desire and discipline, you will be able to release these thoughtforms before they manifest…


Empower vs Enable

Do you empower or enable people? If there are people or events in your life that keep you off balance, unplug from them or change your perspective. Keep your focus on your goals, not what others are thinking, saying or doing. Release yourself from obligations that are truly not yours. Many believe they are helping others while in reality they are stifling their own growth. Offer advice to those who request it. If they resist what you say, then let it be. They are not…


Visualize then Realize

Visualize, then realize is part of the creative process. Spend time visualizing how you would like to live your life on a personal level and within the global community. Take into account governmental leadership, corporate leaders and the lay of the land. How do you wish to commune with nature, by living in a setting near a forest or the beach? Do you wish to grow any of your own food or have a local source for fresh foods? What types of skin care products…


Ingrained Habits: Video By taking time to reflect on your beliefs, you may find yourself astonished at what you discover. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel!


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