Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides offer their support and encourage you each day to tell yourself how much you love you, to feel the love from your Higher Self and to extend love to all other Beings.


Daily Spiritual Practices Video

During this Zoom class, I off several practical ways to raise your vibration as you walk your Awakening Path. Most of the tools can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. At the bottom of my website, you will find a yellow box that has links to everything talked about during this class. On my YouTube channel, you can view the two meditations I talked about. Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to be the first to know when new videos are…


Morning Message 102221

This morning's light show. Had another awesome, deeply blissful meditation this morning. A few months ago, I asked to be sent a teacher to help me meditate deeper and to know God and my Higher Self more deeply. Paramahansa Yogananda kept coming into my mind in a variety of ways until I realized, he was the answer to my prayer. For anyone serious about awakening more and being disciplined with a "scientific" way or incorporating spirituality, check out the SRF lessons: Have a blessed…


Message from the Masters: August 8, 2021

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering August 9, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are honored and excited to once again commune with you. We encourage you to continue to seek our assistance as you walk your daily Path. Although there are many paths, for the Seeker, there is one Goal and that is communion with the Source of All. At the appointed time, All will commune again as One with the Source. This is a continual pattern, much like as one breathes…

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July 9, 2021 Message

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering July 9, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We are en-light-ened anytime that we are able to consciously commune with you. Seek us whenever you have doubts or questions, then listen within the stillness for our answer. It may come in the spoken word of another, an insight, a book, an intuition, a song lyric or a “knowingness.” The more you quiet your mind, the more inner peace you will attain. It is within the silence of the inner…

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Focus on the Light

Full Moon Celestial Gathering June 24, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, As we enter this new cycle of the moon, along with the beginning of a new season, it is a great time to focus on how you wish to shine your Light in the world. As you are aware, there is plenty of darkness, but is that where you wish to focus your attention? By focusing your attention on the Darkness, you lead more people to the Dark. If you are not an activist or…

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Changing Behaviors

Message from the Masters Solstice Celestial Gathering June 21, 2021 Greetings Beloved, As we enter into a new season, this is a wonderful time to go within and review what you have experienced this past season. Were there some unmet goals that are still of importance to you? Were there some blessings that have filled your heart with gratitude? How are you doing with your thoughts? Are you monitoring them, so that you can fine-tune “who” you want to be? What about the words that…


Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering June 10, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are always en-light-ened by the time we spend in communion with you. It is our highest hope and desire that you will take time from your busy day to commune with your “Higher Self” and personal Spirit Team more often, preferably on a daily basis. This communion is essential for anyone who is diligent about pursuing enlightenment during their current incarnation. It is simple to do, but one’s busy-ness,…


Message from the Masters: 05/25/21

Message from the Masters Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Celestial Gathering May 26, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are blessed and honored to commune with you at this moment in time. We are thankful for the inner work you are doing in order to awaken more to your spiritual roots. For in doing so, you open the energetic pathways which allow not only your growth, but of those around you and that are energetically connected to you. As you know, most will not awaken…


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