Pray and Release

The future is being created by the beliefs and choices you are making in the current moment. Thus, state your intentions for what you wish to experience, then let it go and know that you have a myriad of Heavenly Helpers who are setting everything into motion. Holding a firm thought of what you want makes their job easier. It is the wavering that creates problems. This is because you and they get the momentum going in one direction. Then if you change your mind,…


Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the journey down the Saint Johns River, Florida while listening to today's message.  ;-)


Manifestation Process

Your Higher Self wrote the basic script for what you wish to experience together during this lifetime. This is a co-creation process that begins anew each moment. To make the most of your experience on Earth, go within and tune into your Higher Self, especially when setting conscious intentions. You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Higher Self for permission before interceding. In all cases, ask…


Infinite Possibilities

Infinite possibilities are always available. Make your choices in the moment. Pay attention to ways you can create joy and peace each step along the way. Know that each door that closes will open doors to new possibilities. Having gratitude for every person and experience you encounter will help you to grow and to have the courage to move forward with ease. Releasing fears along the way will make your goal of a fulfilled life more awesome than you can imagine. You already have everything…


Peaceful Activism

Peaceful activism can be a great catalyst to help many to spiritually awaken. You may be asking, “What can I do to assist in the ascension process?” One of the main things you can do is to increase the vibration of love within your physical Being. If every human were to do that in this moment, all wars would end, hunger and disease would cease to exist and utopia would immediately manifest itself. There are many who fight wars aimed at peace. Many peace activists…


Emotional Baggage

How does one get weighed down so readily with emotional baggage in this Realm? Thoughts are like magnets, drawing unto them more similar thoughts. Thus, it is important to fill the void of the unwanted thoughtforms with those that are more appealing. Thoughtforms create reality; choose those that lead you to the outcome you desire. When you have a thought that is unsettling or undesirable, immediately think again by choosing thoughts that will lead toward your goals. All possibilities begin in this moment. What is…



Co-creation is the act of consciously working together to attain a specific goal. Through all ages, there have been Masters with incredible powers who have unlocked the secrets of the building blocks of this universe. Through their understanding, they have been able to do things that most humans cannot not do. However, veils between Dimensions are thinning, allowing information to flow freely to all who communicate with these Masters who have ascended duality. Many ancient mystery schools are now opening their doors to outsiders. Their…


Healing Meditation

Before starting this energy healing meditation. select one goal you would like to focus on. This could be an emotional trauma, an addiction or a relationship. With this in mind, relax while taking in several breaths. Focus on your breathing until you have released any tension in your body. When you relax, you enter into theta brainwaves, allowing you to more easily disengage the busy, logical mind. Mentally, push a button that temporarily shuts off the left side of the brain. The right hemisphere stores…



Discover the priorities in your life and use time wisely to fit what is important into your lifestyle. Begin to filter out relationships and events that drain your energy and expend your time. Balance the time and energy you offer in service to humanity; make sure you take time for relaxation. Pay attention to idle words and what you do with your recreational time. It is not only what you do that is important, what you do not do can be of equal importance. By…


Pray and Release

Pray and Release: The future is being created by the beliefs and choices you are making in the current moment. Thus, state your intentions for what you wish to experience, then let it go and know that you have a myriad of Spirit Guides who are setting everything into motion. Holding a firm thought of what you want makes their job easier. It is the wavering that creates problems. This is because you and they get the momentum going in one direction. Then if you…


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