Re-Patterning Your Beliefs

Within your brain, there are receptors that link to each other, anchoring new beliefs. When re-patterning your beliefs, you must break this connection by changing your perception and changing the behaviors associated with the old belief patterns. This applies to any belief whether it is related to religion, health or any experience in your life. When you are triggered by something that causes you to become emotionally out of balance, you can role play or choose actions you prefer to experience when a similar situation…


Embrace All

Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, as siblings, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Re-Creating Yourself

Re-creating Yourself: It is time to transcend low energy memories into new beliefs that will allow you to grow more into the beautiful Being that you are. You are already perfect, although you may no longer remember this is true. How can you shed fears and beliefs that keep you locked into a life of pain and sorrow? When going within, have the courage to face your fears and to accept responsibility for your emotions and actions. This is not to say that you are…


Soul Connection 107 ~ Go Within or Go Without

There is an adage that says, “As above, so below.” There is another that is equally true, “Go within, or go without.” As you look at yourself in the mirror, pay close attention to every detail of the way you present yourself to others. Starting from head to toe, look at everything: your hair (or lack of hair), make-up (or lack of make-up), jewelry, why you do or do not shave various parts of your body, tattoos, nails (manicured or not, painted or unpainted), perfume…


Soul Connection 103 ~ Peace is the Path

Although your life may be in turmoil, you have within the ability to stay calm and peaceful every moment of your life. Like any attitude or emotion, you are fully in charge. Can anyone else make you happy? No. You may feel happy, but that is your choice. This is true for all emotions. In your daily life, an attitude of gratitude will open doors to realms of deep personal peace that you have possibly never experienced before. If you often get upset over small…


Soul Connection 95 ~ Creating Time and Energy

Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body.   Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is…


Soul Connection 94 ~ Monitor Your Thoughts

Your beliefs create your reality. If you have fear or thoughts that disturb you, refocus to thoughts of hope and joy. If you expect bad things to happen, they will, for you draw unto you what you place your attention upon.   Take time to monitor your thoughts throughout the day. One way to get into the habit of monitoring your thoughts is to set a timer and let it go off at random times. When you hear the alarm, ask yourself, “What am I…


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