The word “infestation” is defined as “a presence of a large number of pest organisms in or on a host.” As a word play, look at the word “man-infestation” as applied to the large number of pesky thoughts that flow into your conscious and unconscious mind, every moment of every day. The thought of monitoring your thoughts can seem overwhelming at first. However, like any skill, with practice you gain mastery.
How to control your thoughts? The first step is observation. Pay attention to your thoughts. Choose only those which lead to your desired outcome. When you have fearful thoughts, emotions you don’t like or persistent negative thoughts, then literally, think again. This is where practice makes perfect. When you are aware of thoughts that lead you away from your intention or any that are less than love, cancel it by focusing on something that is more inspiring. It is rather simple, however, like any bad habit, it takes practice to change the behavior.
You have everything within you to create the life of your dreams. No matter what happens, it is possible to maintain balance, poise and grace. No matter how anyone treats you, it is possible for you to love yourself and your perceived enemies. No matter what disease afflicts you, the ability to heal lies within. No matter what your behavior, you have the power to change and be all that you wish to be.
It is simply a matter of monitoring your thoughts and… it’s free! Be sure not to feel shame or guilt when you fall back into old patterns. As the old song says, “Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and start all over again!”
© 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks Teresa !