Soul Connection 52 ~ Path to Paradise

When you ask for spiritual guidance, you will be supported. There are myriads of Heavenly Helpers patiently and excitedly waiting for you to make the call. Once the request is made, immediately they set into motion events to support your intended desire. Your job is to state your intention clearly and to be passionate about what you want. For added fuel, express love and gratitude toward the unseen Helpers who are putting your prayers into motion. Visualize the end result already in place. Many times,…


12 Step Healing Process

Feeling off balance? The 12 Step Healing Process can help get you back in the game! 1. Find a quiet location where you will not be disturbed, preferably for at least an hour. A peaceful place in nature is ideal. 2. Quiet your inner and outer mind by focusing on your breath and relaxing your muscles. Choose a technique that feels comfortable to you. 3. Call in your Soul and cells of your body to assist with this process. Set your intention by naming the…


Soul Connection 46 ~ Walk the Line

Do you remember studying the "nuber line" when you were in school? The line stretched out infinitely to the left (negative numbers) and to the right (positive numbers). A little dot represented a number or place on the line. The little dot on the number line is where you are now. At any point, you can choose with clear intention and passion what you wish to experience. You can choose an infinite number of negative possibilities or an infinite number of positive possibilities. You can…


Soul Connection 43 ~ Man-Infestation

The word "infestation" is defined as “a presence of a large number of pest organisms in or on a host." As a word play, look at the word "man-infestation" as applied to the large number of pesky thoughts that flow into your conscious and unconscious mind, every moment of every day. The thought of monitoring your thoughts can seem overwhelming at first. However, like any skill, with practice you gain mastery. How to control your thoughts? The first step is observation. Pay attention to your…

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Soul Connection 26 ~ Positive vs. Negative

Some view polarity as dark vs. light, with one being higher, better or positive, yet both are equal in importance. Both the "shadow" and the "light" have a purpose; it is only the human perspective that makes one judge them as having a different value. Choose one problem, project or insight to look deeper into this day and simply ponder all sides of the issue. You may find parts that are distasteful, perhaps it is a problem you wish would go away, maybe the project…


Soul Connection 20 ~ Klutter Kontrol

Look around at the state of affairs of the place where you spend much of your time. That space is a mirror reflection of what is going on in your inner being. Is it cluttered? Is it immaculate? Is it full of useless items? Is it decorated to impress others? Whatever you have created outwardly is what you have also created inwardly. Are there changes that need to be addressed? As you look at your home through new eyes, notice what is there that you…


Soul Connection 266 ~ Out of Bondage

As you master your thoughts, beliefs and emotions, you will become more proficient at making choices for your highest good. You will learn to dream bigger as you release the fear and judgments that have kept you imprisoned. As you discard concerns about how you feel others think you should speak, dress or behave, you will blossom into the beautiful, unique flower that you are. Know that within you lies all you need to break the bonds. After all, it was you who created the…


Soul Connection 254 ~ Emotions Are Teachers

Many do all they can to deaden emotions labeled as negative. Instead, embrace all emotions, for within them lies the clues to finding true happiness and joy. When you are sad, there will come a time when you will say, “Enough of this sadness, I am going to change my attitude and behavior so I can experience happiness.” Thus, the sadness leads to your desired goal of happiness. At times, it feels good to express sorrow or pain, for within these emotions, you are connecting…


Soul Connection 182 ~ Linear Love

When you feel the emotion of love, adrenaline courses throughout your body, causing a warm feeling. Think of the emotions you feel when you are “in love” as being linear. On one end there is the emotion of euphoria, while on the other end, there is the feeling of hate. As a human, your emotions slide back and forth along this line, making it impossible to feel euphoria and hate at the same time, for any specific situation. In order to increase your capability to…


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