Creative Potential
Consciously express your creative potential!
Consciously express your creative potential!
Your body talks to you all the time. Are you listening? We store our emotions in our physical body. When you feel pain, discomfort or experience dis-ease, it is a warning that something in your emotional or mental fields are off balance. Take time to go within and seek the root cause. Body weight can also be managed simply by listening and honoring the messages signaling when to eat, drink or fast. Before making a food selection at a restaurant, ask your body what it…
With so much fear and negativity prevalent around us... how will you express yourself? Will you choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution in helping to raise the vibration within your self and emitting outward? What positive action will you take today? Share your comments below.
Re-creating Yourself: It is time to transcend low energy memories into new beliefs that will allow you to grow more into the beautiful Being that you are. You are already perfect, although you may no longer remember this is true. How can you shed fears and beliefs that keep you locked into a life of pain and sorrow? When going within, have the courage to face your fears and to accept responsibility for your emotions and actions. This is not to say that you are…
Do you remember studying the "nuber line" when you were in school? The line stretched out infinitely to the left (negative numbers) and to the right (positive numbers). A little dot represented a number or place on the line. The little dot on the number line is where you are now. At any point, you can choose with clear intention and passion what you wish to experience. You can choose an infinite number of negative possibilities or an infinite number of positive possibilities. You can…
Some view polarity as dark vs. light, with one being higher, better or positive, yet both are equal in importance. Both the "shadow" and the "light" have a purpose; it is only the human perspective that makes one judge them as having a different value. Choose one problem, project or insight to look deeper into this day and simply ponder all sides of the issue. You may find parts that are distasteful, perhaps it is a problem you wish would go away, maybe the project…
All things on earth carry a unique energetic signature pattern or frequency. The frequencies of love and gratitude are very high. As can be expected in our world of polarity, the opposite, the frequency of fear and darkness are very low. The earth itself resonates at a frequency that must be compatible with her inhabitants, or else life cannot be sustained. Emotions resonate at specific frequencies, just like material objects. Masters such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa focused on peace, rather than anti-war protests. They…
Look around at the state of affairs of the place where you spend much of your time. That space is a mirror reflection of what is going on in your inner being. Is it cluttered? Is it immaculate? Is it full of useless items? Is it decorated to impress others? Whatever you have created outwardly is what you have also created inwardly. Are there changes that need to be addressed? As you look at your home through new eyes, notice what is there that you…