Soul Connection 3 ~ Body, Mind and Spirit

Consider your physical human body as one point of a triangle, the conscious part of your mind as the second point of a triangle, while the third point is the part of your essence self that is still in spirit form, commonly called the Higher Self or Soul. These three work in a symbiotic fashion to allow for the experience within the realm of humanity on planet earth. Your physical body is similar to a computer, having the capability of storing tremendous amounts of information.…


Soul Connection 254 ~ Emotions Are Teachers

Many do all they can to deaden emotions labeled as negative. Instead, embrace all emotions, for within them lies the clues to finding true happiness and joy. When you are sad, there will come a time when you will say, “Enough of this sadness, I am going to change my attitude and behavior so I can experience happiness.” Thus, the sadness leads to your desired goal of happiness. At times, it feels good to express sorrow or pain, for within these emotions, you are connecting…


Soul Connection 182 ~ Linear Love

When you feel the emotion of love, adrenaline courses throughout your body, causing a warm feeling. Think of the emotions you feel when you are “in love” as being linear. On one end there is the emotion of euphoria, while on the other end, there is the feeling of hate. As a human, your emotions slide back and forth along this line, making it impossible to feel euphoria and hate at the same time, for any specific situation. In order to increase your capability to…


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