Soul Connection 27 ~ Going Within Process

Quiet your inner and outer world. Take a look at any aspect of your life. Why do you follow a specific church doctrine? Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you have household items you never use? Why do you hang out with people you feel uncomfortable with? Why do you allow family members to treat you disrespectfully? Choose one and look at it deeply. Feel the emotions that arise. If they are pleasant, feel gratitude for them. If they cause uneasiness or…


Soul Connection 23 ~ Hurry Up by Slowing Down

One day we will be reunited as "One" and enjoy the sensation of love in its purest form. There is no need to "hurry" to get to "get there." Hurrying is part of the human condition. Learn to live in the moment and make the journey memorable. Stop and smell the roses and be kind to those you encounter along the way. So many things one prays to experience becomes missed opportunities due to being focused on getting from point A to point B. Some…


Soul Connection 17 ~ The Future is Now

Retain control of your life by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your Soul to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through any fears responsible for handing your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. Remain true and stand your ground, saying “no” to things that…


Soul Connection 12 ~ Change Beliefs

You may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past times when you were presented with the same situation that you handled poorly. What often occurs is that you are presented with a similar situation repeatedly until you work through it. Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar. Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue. Love of self and others involved…


Soul Connection 9 ~ Uni-Verse ~ One Voice

Before any worlds were created, all existed in a state of perfect love. There was no sense of time or space. All that existed were like wispy clouds, floating in and out. There was no such thing as being an individual, all simply was One. There came a time when the essence of One wanted to experience "other" and through many eons, innumerable episodes of "separation, individuality and not-love" have been experienced. Everyone on earth, in every moment, is creating and living a unique play…


Soul Connection 8 ~ Pathway Meditation

Relax your body by focusing on each group of muscles at a time. Place your attention on your toes; inhale while tightening your toe muscles. On the exhale, relax your toes. Next, rotate your ankles to loosen them. On the next inhale, tighten the muscles of your lower legs. On the exhale, relax those muscles. Then do the same with your upper legs, tummy, buttocks, back, upper arms, lower arms, fingers, shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes, etc. As you practice this exercise, you will learn to…


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