Experience the Universe

God is loving, allowing all of creation to experience whatever it chooses within the parameters set for this universe. Wise parents do the same, allowing their children to learn lessons for themselves. Although it is difficult at times to watch others follow paths you are sure will lead to pain or heartache, it is much worse to coddle them and cause them to miss opportunities to express themselves.   Look deeply into the beliefs you have surrounding God – Creator - Spirit. Rather than blindly…


Message from the Masters: 081519

Message from the Masters Celestial Gathering August 15, 2019 Greetings Dear Ones, Again we are deLIGHTed to gather with you for the purpose of bringing forth more Love and Light onto the Earth. There is much that we do when gathered together for the specific intention of healing from the inside out… and then expanding that refreshed energy outward to all others who are ready to receive our Love. We are happy that you are taking more time to take care of your “inner business”…


Speak Your Truth

How many times has someone asked you a question, seeking your advice, yet you were too uncomfortable to speak your truth? Perhaps in the past, you were ridiculed or had a relationship tattered because you had the courage to speak your truth. To protect yourself, you created a belief such as, “Telling the truth is not safe.” As a result, telling white lies became a habit. Other truths were built on these white lies until you become unsure of what your truth is. Many are…


Prepare to Dream Big!

Prepare to Dream Big! Take several deep breaths in and out and release the tensions of the day. Once you are relaxed, choose a behavior, a fear or a belief you are ready to release. Take a few moments to fantasize about possible doors that could open as you choose to release this. Dream big, for all possibilities have the potential to become your reality. Mentally visualize your life as though what you want is already a reality. Writing your desire is one powerful option.…


Live in the Moment

Live in the moment, for this moment is truly all you have, for all other moments have now faded away. All future moments are simply possible moments, depending on what you choose in this moment. Once you grasp this concept, you will see that you are totally in control of how you feel and that you are the co-creator of the things you wish to experience. When you uncover areas of your life you wish to change, take that moment to find ways to change…


Darkness to Light

Moving from Darkness to Light: If you wish to change your vibration on Earth, you will need to release any dark energy that inhibits you from accepting the blessings of free-flowing love. Spend time reflecting on your own inner darkness rather than what others have done, for you have no control over their choices, only your own. There is no other thing on Earth that is more important. You are the creator of your reality. Yes, there are things that are beyond your control due…


Love Your Self

Do you truly love your Self? We are all from the same Source. Many ancient teachings make the statement that we are all One, that we are brothers and sisters and indeed, this is true. Know it in your hearts, look into each other’s eyes and see this Truth. Until we know in our hearts that we are the same, there will be separation, which has been the downfall of every civilization. When humans create labels of separateness, all hell breaks loose. Heaven on Earth…


Change Your Life

Are you ready to change your life? There are many changes occurring on earth and within yourself at this time. You may feel a quickening happening within your body. At times, you may feel as though you are going insane, for you have thoughts, feelings and physical vibrations that you have never experienced before. This is all part of what many call the "ascension process" which has been written about in nearly every ancient religious text. Your current beliefs hold tremendous power over your ability…


Embrace All

Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, as siblings, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


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