Create Your Reality

Be responsible for your thoughts, words and actions, for they create your reality. Notice the way you affect your world individually. Pay attention to the pros and cons of every action you take. Listen to those who have opposing views, for you may find fragments of truth you overlooked in your zealous appeal to be righteous. Read the labels on things you place on your body and ingest, for many are toxic and causing you great havoc. Rest when you are tired. Eat when you…


Shine Your Light

What does it mean to “shine your light?” Once upon a time, we all were a singular unit of God, the Creator of All.  There were no individuals, all was an integral part of the whole, similar to the light that shines forth from the sun. At one point, Source fragmented to allow for a variety of experiences. You are one of those fragments. Within you is the eternal flame that is your connection to the Source of All. This light inside your heart is…


Enlighten Yourself

Seek ways to enlighten yourself by overcoming fears and obstacles that keep you from moving upward. Focus your attention on ways you can move forward. Leave behind persons, places and events that keep you bogged in the mire. Choose acts of kindness, not of servitude, for that places you in a position of insubordination or “less than.” Be wary of spending too much time “saving” others to the detriment of moving yourself forward. Otherwise, you become part of the problem, not the solution. Know that…


Re-Patterning Your Beliefs

Within your brain, there are receptors that link to each other, anchoring new beliefs. When re-patterning your beliefs, you must break this connection by changing your perception and changing the behaviors associated with the old belief patterns. This applies to any belief whether it is related to religion, health or any experience in your life. When you are triggered by something that causes you to become emotionally out of balance, you can role play or choose actions you prefer to experience when a similar situation…


Experience the Universe

God is loving, allowing all of creation to experience whatever it chooses within the parameters set for this universe. Wise parents do the same, allowing their children to learn lessons for themselves. Although it is difficult at times to watch others follow paths you are sure will lead to pain or heartache, it is much worse to coddle them and cause them to miss opportunities to express themselves.   Look deeply into the beliefs you have surrounding God – Creator - Spirit. Rather than blindly…


Who is the True You?

Who is the true you? Many seem to be happy, yet inside are crying deep tears of sorrow. Many are confused, yet go out of their way to pretend to be fully understanding of issues they know nothing about. Why is this? One reason is fear that it will be known that one is not perfect. Sadness is considered to be weak; lack of knowledge is considered to be a sign of ignorance, so we put on costumes and masks to hide what is going…



Discover the priorities in your life and use time wisely to fit what is important into your lifestyle. Begin to filter out relationships and events that drain your energy and expend your time. Balance the time and energy you offer in service to humanity; make sure you take time for relaxation. Pay attention to idle words and what you do with your recreational time. It is not only what you do that is important, what you do not do can be of equal importance. By…


Speak Your Truth

How many times has someone asked you a question, seeking your advice, yet you were too uncomfortable to speak your truth? Perhaps in the past, you were ridiculed or had a relationship tattered because you had the courage to speak your truth. To protect yourself, you created a belief such as, “Telling the truth is not safe.” As a result, telling white lies became a habit. Other truths were built on these white lies until you become unsure of what your truth is. Many are…


Prepare to Dream Big!

Prepare to Dream Big! Take several deep breaths in and out and release the tensions of the day. Once you are relaxed, choose a behavior, a fear or a belief you are ready to release. Take a few moments to fantasize about possible doors that could open as you choose to release this. Dream big, for all possibilities have the potential to become your reality. Mentally visualize your life as though what you want is already a reality. Writing your desire is one powerful option.…


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