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Who is the True You?

Who is the true you? Many seem to be happy, yet inside are crying deep tears of sorrow. Many are confused, yet go out of their way to pretend to be fully understanding of issues they know nothing about. Why is this?

One reason is fear that it will be known that one is not perfect. Sadness is considered to be weak; lack of knowledge is considered to be a sign of ignorance, so we put on costumes and masks to hide what is going on inside. We have become so engrained with these thoughtforms, that over time, we believe the scenarios we have created. There is an adage, “What you believe, you will become.” There is much truth in this, for when your emotions are aligned with the scenarios you are role-playing, it becomes your reality.

In order to break through your beliefs, they must be addressed. Go within and discover what you are aligning your truth with. Look for habits you have that no longer make sense to you. When you consciously become aware of what you think, say and do, you will begin to notice these discrepancies. Once you find one, take a closer look and decide how you wish to react in future similar situations.

Many also suffer from the inability to accept well-meaning advice. Look inside for reasons why you become defensive when someone points out what they consider to be a flaw. There will come a time when it matters not what others think, whether their remarks are positive or negative, for you will be balanced, knowing who you are.

Who is the true you?

It takes time and effort to uncover the real you, but it is such an important endeavor. You have allowed yourself to be defined by other people, seeking approval in ways that have been less than honorable. There is no need for this type of behavior any longer. Go within on a daily basis and begin to weed out the emotions and beliefs that are keeping you from being truly authentic.

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