Child Caretakers

In many situations, children are much wiser and on higher frequencies of love than their caretakers. The importance of allowing children to make choices for themselves cannot be overemphasized.  Caretakers role-model what they have learned, extending their fears and myths onto children. This may hamper their productivity. It is imperative to pay close attention to what you are modeling to them. Anything other than love and kindness is abusive and detrimental. Although many are doing these things without intentionally meaning to be harmful. Any moment…


What Role Will You Choose?

Each day, look at life anew and with wonder. You have the ability to change old habits that hinder your growth. Within you lies the love of Source who sends Heavenly Helpers to assist in whatever you wish to experience. This world is illusory, a playground; treat it as such. The Earth is a place where you can choose to be the monster or the fairy godmother. You can choose to be the prince or the pauper. You can play the role of the good…


E.T. Phone Home

E.T. Phone Home - There are a growing number of people who have created the belief that E.T.s will be coming to Earth to save humans from inevitable destruction. Although many are here to assist the human race, your only savior is you. You are fully responsible for what you choose every moment. When you place your hope on a savior, you give away your personal power. This is never a wise thing to do. Every human on Earth has lived elsewhere before this incarnation,…


Paradigm Switch

Are you ready to make a paradigm switch? Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides are truly grateful for each moment you are consciously connected with them. When you are knowingly aware of them and desire to work together, there is a highly charged energy frequency that occurs between you. There is always the possibility for a myriad of choices to occur, yet it is the one you focus your mind on that will manifest. Thus, be mindful of what you wish to experience, for you…


Greet Everyone

Greet everyone with a smile and a dose of love from your heart to theirs. A simple nod or smile can make a positive difference in a person’s day and perhaps change the course of someone's life. Release all judgment toward others. Focus on the knowledge that every person you meet is created by the same Source that created you. See everyone as equal, an extension of you. Whenever it is appropriate, tell the people you interact with that you appreciate them. As a result…


Doors of Opportunity

Doors of opportunity are always available, waiting for you to open them. When you make a clear intention for something that you desire, such as a job that pays well and is more inspiring, take steps to make this goal a reality. Expect synchronicities, follow leads and check into various opportunities. Pay attention to your intuition and gut feelings, decide if these opportunities are truly what you want. Do not settle for anything less. Create situations that will make things happen; choose doors that best…


Stuck in a Rut?

Do you feel like you are stuck in a rut? There is more that you have to offer in life besides your daily routine. What is required is that you move out of the box and open the door to the vast array of possibilities that are offered freely to you. You may need to turn off your television, internet and other sources of information that keep you bogged in the doom and gloom feelings of despair. Place your focus on things that inspire you.…

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Masters in the Making   © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. You are encouraged to share this post when you include the copyright statement.   Listen to the Soul Connections at:   Feel stuck? Got entities? Addictions? Consider a SoulCleanse today!    


Face Your Fear

Face your fear and switch your attitude and belief to a more positive desire in order to manifest higher vibrational experiences. When people have been hurt, they may live their life expecting this to occur again and then live according to that belief. Fear is one of the strongest emotions that humans possess. If you focus on fearful things, you are likely to manifest the things you fear.   The more passion you give to your intentions, the more likely you will make the change.…


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