Inner Peace

Besides breathing and eating, the most important daily activity you can engage in is to spend quiet time going within and connecting with your Higher Self. There are also many health benefits associated with meditation and daily prayer. PHYSICALLY you will experience health benefits as you relax and relieve stress. As you work through problems, you will become better equipped to handle stressors as they emerge. MENTALLY you will become more alert and focused. EMOTIONALLY you will begin to balance yourself in all situations, regaining…


Embrace All

EMBRACE ALL Love, like all emotions, has a unique energetic vibration. Every time a human reaches a new level of unconditional love, a higher level of vibration is also reached. The sense of loving others unconditionally increases. Eventually, you will see all others as equals, none greater and none lesser. You will come to the understanding that everyone is a child of the Creator playing a unique role on Earth. Begin to look into each other’s eyes and see a reflection of yourself and know…


Creating Time and Energy

Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in…


Release your Inner Child

Are you ready to release your inner child? Let us celebrate by making joyful noises! Release your inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with delight. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself your inner child. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature.…



Unity Message from the Masters Full Moon Celestial Gathering April 7, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are honored to work beside you once again. This gathering falls on the anniversary date of our initial Celestial Gathering which took place on April 7, 2016. Several of you have been with us this since the beginning and we are ever grateful for your dedication in uplifting yourself as well as all of mankind, Gaia and her inhabitants… both those in the seen and the unseen realms… for…


Emotional Balance

Emotional balance is critical in order to maintain a sense of peace. There may be times when you seek extremes for pleasure or adventure. However, on most occasions, emotional balance is needed, otherwise the body will become exhausted from the energy expended during the extreme experiences. When a person reaches a feeling of peace, no matter what is happening, enlightenment is nearby. You have been given the whole world as your playground. What do you wish to experience? Hopefully, you will choose actions that are…


Resolve Emotional Issues

Three things to remember when resolving emotional issues. 1. Allow others to do as they choose. This does not mean that you allow others to continually harm you or others, for you would do well to remove yourself from the presence of these persons. However, it does mean that you realize they are operating from their own set of beliefs and fears stemming from unresolved emotional issues. You do not have to adhere to their beliefs or change yours in order to get along. If…

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Release the Past

Today, release the past and practice feeling joy in the current moment. There will be situations that arise that in the past left you with heavy feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, etc. When those memories surface, look for the positive nature in them. What did you learn from this experience? Did it help you to set new parameters in your life? Is this an opportunity to make a change? Feel blessed that you have the ability to be on Earth and able to experience this…


Change Beliefs

Your current beliefs hold tremendous power over the ability to make choices that are in your best interest. Think back on times when you adhered to a specific truth, no matter how trivial it was. Then remember the feelings and thoughts surrounding that belief when you had an “Aha!” moment and discarded the initial thought for another. Notice how you also changed various patterns and behaviors associated with the old beliefs that did not fit your new paradigm. You have thousands of these beliefs running…


Be Kind

Be kind to others and release the walls of separation. There is no need to be concerned about missing the "ascension" if you keep an awareness of being One with all as a goal. There are no perfect, right or wrong Paths. All lead to the same place, providing opportunity for varied experiences. Choose love, kindness and gratitude and you will be blessed abundantly. Take your mind off saving the world and pay attention to how you affect the world. Place your attention on areas…


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