Your Higher Self and Spirit Guides offer their support and encourage you each day to tell yourself how much you love you, to feel the love from your Higher Self and to extend love to all other Beings.


Pray and Release

The future is being created by the beliefs and choices you are making in the current moment. Thus, state your intentions for what you wish to experience, then let it go and know that you have a myriad of Heavenly Helpers who are setting everything into motion. Holding a firm thought of what you want makes their job easier. It is the wavering that creates problems. This is because you and they get the momentum going in one direction. Then if you change your mind,…


Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the journey down the Saint Johns River, Florida while listening to today's message.  ;-)


Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering June 10, 2021   Greetings Dear Ones, We are always en-light-ened by the time we spend in communion with you. It is our highest hope and desire that you will take time from your busy day to commune with your “Higher Self” and personal Spirit Team more often, preferably on a daily basis. This communion is essential for anyone who is diligent about pursuing enlightenment during their current incarnation. It is simple to do, but one’s busy-ness,…


Conscious Living

Conscious Living: Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the universe, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. On the other hand, fear-based emotions and thoughtforms stick together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of diseases. With sincere desire and discipline, you will be able to release these thoughtforms before they manifest…


Self Love

Self love is a challenge for most people. However, there is nothing more important on Earth than to become aware of your Spiritual Essence. Once you have enlightened your Self, your ability to love from a pure heart will exponentially increase. Become aware of who you truly are.  Work through fears and beliefs that keep you from allowing love of Self and love from Source to flow through you. As you master this, the ability to be a role model for others will exponentially increase.…



Oneness Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering May 23, 2020 Greetings Dear Ones, We are well pleased that so many are now “coming to the Light” and taking charge of your lives. We do all we can to assist you but it is important to note that we do have our limits. When it comes to your sovereign rights over your energy field, you have only the limits of the laws governing life on Gaia. Thus, there is much you can do by…


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