Isn't it interesting how two can have the same experience... yet such different ways of experiencing it?


Love Others

A reminder to love others as God loves you! I had another C.O.G. moment yesterday morn as I happily left home to do some shopping. While waiting at the traffic light, a pandhandler with a "Homeless, Need Help" sign walked silently past each car. I was skeptical as to his being homeless... dressed well, ear buds while listening to music, hair looking good, new backpack, well fed. My judgment was that he was likely out looking for funds for his drug habit. As he came…


Morning Message 102421

As I was driving out of the store parking lot this morning, I was distracted by a woman. In the moment that I took to glance back, my van came within a few feet of a man that I had not seen. He raised his fist and with a snarl said, “Thanks for almost running over me.” Granted, my eyes were not where they should have been. Also, the man had plenty of room and was not in the crosswalk. I didn’t even need to…



You have to watch this video to appreciate the gratitude in this photo!


Daily Exercises

Greetings Dear Ones, We are ever grateful for this time with you. Do know that at anytime you can call upon us for Guidance or for an astral hug. We love you dearly and enjoy any moments in which you commune with us. We have some exercises for you today. We encourage you to begin each morning in a meditative state. Fill up your being with gratitude and as much love as you can muster. Visualize Divine Love flowing into you, expand it around your…


July 9, 2021 Message

Message from the Masters New Moon Celestial Gathering July 9, 2021 Greetings Dear Ones, We are en-light-ened anytime that we are able to consciously commune with you. Seek us whenever you have doubts or questions, then listen within the stillness for our answer. It may come in the spoken word of another, an insight, a book, an intuition, a song lyric or a “knowingness.” The more you quiet your mind, the more inner peace you will attain. It is within the silence of the inner…

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