Focus Intentions ~ Audio
It is wise and comforting to study the words of spiritual teachers, yet, it is imperative to take in only those things that intuitively feel are best for your unique path. Seek spiritual teachers who are role models of love and compassion, for they know the secrets to happy living. If your goal is to ascend out of duality, then ask for Guidance from Masters who are ascended above this realm. Call on the ones you are drawn to and build a relationship with them,…
Source allows all to happen, knowing in the end, there will be a return to perfect Love. There is no need to judge, for each will self-correct or experience reactions to every action. When you can see this world as an experimental place that allows for all experiences, you will be much better able to accept what others do, without conditions. This is a time of great transition. It is imperative that you bring yourself out of the low frequency role so you may become…
Many wonder why God does not end the suffering on Earth. Yet the responsibility lies in the hands of each human. We were given the gift of free will. As creators, this permits us to express ourselves in a manner only limited by universal laws. Thus, the suffering on earth is a direct result of choices we make while incarnate. Review the history of humanity. The suffering we experience is due to the choices made by individuals over time. Many of us have incarnated before…
You are blessed with the gift of free will, which allows you to choose whatever path you wish to walk. Will you make choices based on fear or choices made from love of self, others and the Earth? The choice is yours. Reflect on the knowledge you have gained from your relationships with people, places and events. You have a unique set of circumstances that has given you much to reflect on. The question is how to integrate this knowledge so it becomes a part…
There are infinite possibilities in every moment from which you can choose your next project or experience. Dream your highest dream of what you wish to manifest in your personal life, your public life and the planet as a whole. Go beyond what you think is possible and let your imagination run wild. Set aside quiet time each day for this purpose. As you envision the life you wish to experience, begin jotting down ways you want to be a part of creating this dream.…
You have the free will to choose whatever you want to experience. Set goals or intentions, yet know that at any time, you can change them. However, wavering creates a shift that makes it harder for the Heavenly Helpers to realize your goals. Clear intentions are crucial. Being alert and looking for synchronicities and coincidences while following your intuition are ways that lead to your desired outcome. Beware of over-hyping coincidences and reading more into a situation than is really there. That may lead you…
What habits keep you from living the life you now only dream of? What behaviors keep you locked into patterns of distrust, unhappiness and unfulfillment? What fears hinder you from being loving and kind? What is not working for you? What do you wish to release? Take time each day to look at these issues. Be honest with yourself. Step by step, start releasing old habits that no longer serve you. Is it time to find new friends who are supportive of your ideal life?…
You may encounter situations that feel uncomfortable because they are new or bring up a past times when you were presented with the same situation that you handled poorly. What often occurs is that you are presented with a similar situation repeatedly until you work through it. Although the exact scenario may not be the same, the basic premise is similar. Repeated patterns such as this are usually a sign for you to pay attention to an unresolved issue. Love of self and others involved…
This universe was created to be a realm of polarity in order for souls to have the opportunity to experience "Not Love." By choosing to incarnate on earth, you have the unique opportunity to choose both “light” and “dark” experiences. In this realm, everything has a "boomerang" effect. The more you give love to others, the more love you receive in return. The more fear you impose on others, the more fear will be returned to you. The effects of some choices are felt in…