Dark Energy
Release your dark energy! https://youtu.be/rnAvCmkLkh4
To experience unconditional love, relinquish the need to change others. Focus your attention inward, on changing your attitude and beliefs. Once you are in control of your emotions and responses, you will have less need and desire to change others. The goal is to love freely, without the need to save others from experiencing whatever they choose. Go within and work on your ability to love others unconditionally. In the beginning, especially with difficult relationships, this may seem impossible. In these cases, work within yourself…
When you have a positive outlook, every experience has the ability to mirror a positive message to you. You have the ability to change anything in your life, in the twinkling of an eye. No one can make you happy. Only you can keep yourself from experiencing happiness each moment of your life. Everything is simply an attitude away. You can change your attitude and maintain a positive outlook in all situations through diligence, observation and choice. This is why the work of moving through…
Try placing on a garment that is several sizes too small. You will feel very uncomfortable and eventually lose energy as the flow of blood is restricted. This is what happens on an energetic level when you restrict your energy flow by holding onto fears and old beliefs. Once you release them, the energy flows freely, allowing you to think more clearly and to make more creative and healthy choices.   Beliefs are set up in moments that are emotionally charged. The event could be…
It is imperative to clean out the cobwebs of negative thinking and close-mindedness, for you are about to enter into a realm of unbelievable events. Start with the basement of your soul and work upward and outward to clear negative memories that keep you in fear and mistrust. Take time to go within and move into the deep cleaning process. As memories, habits and fears are uncovered, change the way you think and look at what is occurring around you. Make the necessary changes to…
Purify simply means “to cleanse.” The first step in purification of the physical body is to fast, which allows your body time and energy to purge itself of unnecessary toxins and stored substances. Once purged, the body feels invigorated. You will find that as you improve your diet, your body odors will become pleasantly fragrant. Rather than slathering on chemically laden soaps and body rinses, sometimes a shower of water is all that is needed to cleanse the skin. Remember to bless and thank the…
What habits keep you from living the life you now only dream of? What behaviors keep you locked into patterns of distrust, unhappiness and unfulfillment? What fears hinder you from being loving and kind? What is not working for you? What do you wish to release? Take time each day to look at these issues. Be honest with yourself. Step by step, start releasing old habits that no longer serve you. Is it time to find new friends who are supportive of your ideal life?…
Many on Earth are so focused on their enlightenment and the future prospect of ascending that they totally miss all the pleasures of being in the Now. Many who are not consciously moving towards enlightenment are doing the same. It is understandable, for at this time on Earth, many cannot grasp even the basic necessities to stay alive such as food, shelter and clothing. Look around and notice how many cheerful people are in dire need. Ask them what their secret is. These people are…